1. Definition 2. Functional Requirements 3. Syntax 4. Semantics

1. Definition

An input to the Environment Description and the Real Experience Generation AIMs defining protocols, data, metadata, and command structures for the specific Real Environment Venue.

2. Functional Requirements

This includes number, type, placement, parameters, and associations of:

  1. Lighting fixtures
  2. Special effects
  3. Audio and video sources
  4. Volumetric performers and objects.
  5. Motion captured performers and objects.
  6. LiDAR captured performers and objects.
  7. Data semantics for apps, controllers, and equipment.
  8. Biometric sensors.
  9. Miscellaneous sensors (encoders, trackers, and status flags).
  10. Seating chart (Spatial distribution of individual seats).

3. Syntax

4. Semantics

Table 1 provides the semantics of the components of RE Venue Specification.

Table 1 – Semantics of RE Venue Specification

Header N1 Bytes RE Venue Specification Header
– Standard-REVenueSpecification 9 Bytes The characters “XRV-RVS-V”
– Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 characters
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Bytes Minor version – 1 or 2 characters
REVenueSpecificationID N4 Bytes  Identifier of Object RE Venue Specification.
NoOfFixtures N5 Bytes Total number of Lighting Fixtures
LightingFixtures[] N6 Bytes Set of Lighting Fixture data
– LightingFixtureType N7 Bytes Type of Lighting Fixture.
– LightingFixtureSpaceTime N8 Bytes Space-Time info of Lighting Fixture.
– LightingFixtureParameters N9 Bytes Parameters of Lighting Fixture.
– LightingFixtureAssociations N10 Bytes Associations of Lighting Fixture.
NoOfSpatialEffects N11 Bytes Total number of Spatial Effects.
SpatialEffects[] N12 Bytes Set of Spatial Effects data
– SpatialEffectsType N13 Bytes Type of Spatial Effects.
– SpatialEffectsSpaceTime N14 Bytes Space-Time info of Spatial Effects.
– SpatialEffectsParameters N15 Bytes Parameters of Spatial Effects.
– SpatialEffectsAssociations N16 Bytes Association of Spatial Effects.
NoOfAudioSources N17 Bytes Total number of Audio Sources.
AudioSources[] N18 Bytes Set of Audio Sources data
– AudioSourcesType N19 Bytes Type of Audio Sources.
– AudioSourcesTime N20 Bytes Space-Time info of Audio Sources.
– AudioSourcesParameters N21 Bytes Parameters of Audio Sources.
– AudioSourcesAssociations N22 Bytes Association of Audio Sources.
NoOfVisualSources N23 Bytes Total number of Visual Sources.
VisualSources[] N24 Bytes Set of Visual Sources data
– VisualSourcesType N25 Bytes Type of Visual Sources.
– VisualSourcesTime N26 Bytes Space-Time info of Visual Sources.
– VisualSourcesParameters N27 Bytes Parameters of Visual Sources.
– VisualSourcesAssociations N28 Bytes Association of Visual Sources.
NoOfVolumetricHumans N29 Bytes Total number of Volumetric Humans.
VolumetricHumans[] N30 Bytes Set of Volumetric Humans data
– VolumetricHumanType N31 Bytes Type of Volumetric Humans.
– VolumetricHumanTime N32 Bytes Space-Time info of Volumetric Humans.
– VolumetricHumanParameters N33 Bytes Parameters of Volumetric Humans.
– VolumetricHumanAssociations N34 Bytes Association of Volumetric Humans.
NoOfVolumetricObjects N35 Bytes Total number of Volumetric Objects.
VolumetricObjects[] N36 Bytes Set of Volumetric Objects data
– VolumetricObjectType N37 Bytes Type of Volumetric Objects.
– VolumetricObjectTime N38 Bytes Space-Time info of Volumetric Objects.
– VolumetricObjectParameters N39 Bytes Parameters of Volumetric Objects.
– VolumetricObjectAssociations N40 Bytes Association of Volumetric Objects.
NoOfMOCHumans N41 Bytes Total number of MOC Humans.
MOCHumans[] N42 Bytes Set of MOC Humans data
– MOCHumanType N43 Bytes Type of MOC Humans.
– MOCHumanTime N44 Bytes Space-Time info of MOC Humans.
– MOCHumanParameters N45 Bytes Parameters of MOC Humans.
– MOCHumanAssociations N46 Bytes Association of MOC Humans.
NoOfMOCObjects N47 Bytes Total number of MOC Objects.
MOCObjects[] N48 Bytes Set of MOC Objects data
– MOCObjectType N49 Bytes Type of MOC Objects.
– MOCObjectTime N50 Bytes Space-Time info of MOC Objects.
– MOCObjectParameters N51 Bytes Parameters of MOC Objects.
– MOCObjectAssociations N52 Bytes Association of MOC Objects.
NoOfMOCHumans N53 Bytes Total number of MOC Humans.
LIDARHumans[] N54 Bytes Set of LIDAR Humans data
– LIDARHumanType N55 Bytes Type of LIDAR Humans.
– LIDARHumanTime N56 Bytes Space-Time info of LIDAR Humans.
– LIDARHumanParameters N57 Bytes Parameters of LIDAR Humans.
– LIDARHumanAssociations N58 Bytes Association of LIDAR Humans.
NoOfLIDARObjects N59 Bytes Total number of LIDAR Objects.
LIDARObjects[] N60 Bytes Set of LIDAR Objects data
– LIDARObjectType N61 Bytes Type of LIDAR Objects.
– LIDARObjectTime N62 Bytes Space-Time info of LIDAR Objects.
– LIDARObjectParameters N63 Bytes Parameters of LIDAR Objects.
– LIDARObjectAssociations N64 Bytes Association of LIDAR Objects.
NoOfSensors N65 Bytes Total number of Sensors.
Sensors[] N66 Bytes Set of Sensors data
– SensorType N67 Bytes Type of Sensors.
– SensorTime N68 Bytes Space-Time info of Sensors.
– SensorParameters N69 Bytes Parameters of Sensors.
– SensorAssociations N70 Bytes Associations of Sensors.
SeatingChart N71 Bytes
DescrMetadata N72 Bytes Descriptive Metadata