New age – new video coding technologies
The last 30 years of video coding have been productive because, over the years, compression rate has improved enabling digital ...
MPAI receives technologies for its AI framework standard and calls for technologies supporting audio and human-machine conversation
Geneva, Switzerland – 17 february 2021. At its 5th General Assembly, Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence ...
Having a conversation with a machine
Like it or not, we do what the title says regularly, with mixed results. Searching for that file in your ...
Opacity or transparency?
By publishing its Manifesto, MPAI has made clear in a few sentences its strategic analysis of the AI industry, what ...
MPAI addresses new standards for Context-based Audio Enhancement and Multimodal Conversation
Geneva, Switzerland – 20 January 2021. Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI), an international unaffiliated standards ...
A vision for AI-based data coding standards
Use of technologies based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) is extending to more and more applications yielding one of the fastest-growing ...
FRAND forever? Or are there other business models possible?
What is the FrameWork License (FWL) In the context of the development of new technology standards, Intellectual Property Rights (IP ...
What is the state of MPAI work?
Introduction This article responds to the question: where is MPAI today, 1st day of 2021, 3 months after its foundation, ...
An introduction to the MPAI-AIF Call for Technologies
On 202/12/21 MPAI has held a teleconference to illustrate the MPAI-AIF Call for Technologies (CfT) and associated Framework Licence (FWL). ...