1.     Definition

Audio information as input to a system.

 2     Functional Requirements

Input Audio should be able to represent the input audio field with the required degree of fidelity.

3      Syntax


 3       Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes
·       Standard 9 Bytes The characters “CAE-IAU-V”
·       Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 characters
·       Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
·       Subversion N3 Byte Minor version – 1 or 2 characters
MInstanceID N4 Bytes ID of the Metaverse Instance.
InputAudioID N5 Bytes ID of Input Audio.
InputAudioData N6 Bytes The set of Data characterising Input Audio.
– InputAudioFormatID Ny Bytes Format ID of Input Audio.
– InputAudioLength N8 Bytes Length in Bytes of Input Audio
– InputAudioDataURI N9 Bytes URI of Input Audio
InputAudioAttributes N10 Bytes Attributes of Input Audio
– InputAudioAttributeID N11 Bytes The AttributeID of Input Audio.
– InputAudioAttributeFormatID N12 Bytes The FormatID of the Input Audio Attribute
– InputAudioAttributeLength N13 Bytes Length in Bytes of Input Audio
– InputAudioAttributeDataURI N14 Bytes URI of  Attribute of Input Audio
DescrMetadata N15 Bytes Descriptive Metadata

5         Data Formats

Audio Formats and AudioAttributes are required.

 4       To Respondents

Respondents are invited to propose Audio Formats and Audio Attributes.