1 Definition
Information sent by an Environment Sensing Technology Scene Description to the Traffic Obstacle Avoider before the Basic Scene Descriptors are computed to provide information considered urgent.
2 Functional Requirements
Th Alert information is attached to an Object, For example, a suddenly unobscured traffic signalisation may need to be immediately sent to the Obstacle Avoider for consideration.
3 Syntax
4 Semantics
Label | Size | Description |
Header | N1 Bytes | Road State Header |
– Standard | 9 Bytes | The characters “CAV-ALT-V” |
– Version | N2 Bytes | Major version – 1 or 2 Bytes |
– Dot-separator | 1 Byte | The character “.” |
– Subversion | N3 Bytes | Minor version – 1 or 2 Bytes |
Objects[] | N4 Bytes | Set of Precipitation Data. |
– Object | N5 Bytes | Space and Time of Precipitation. |
DescrMetadata | N6 Bytes | Descriptive Metadata |