1       Definition

A Message sent to the MAS by the AMS (AMS Message) or received by the AMS from the MAS (MAS Message).

2       Functional Requirements

The AMS issues an AMS Message to request that the MAS moves the CAV from the current to the next Spatial Attitude. This contains:

  1. Trajectory
  2. Action
    1. Execute the Trajectory to change the CAV’s Spatial Attitude SAat time tA to Spatial Attitude SAat time tB.
    2. Suspend the Execute Action.

The MAS who has received an AMS-MAS Message implements the requests and issues a series of AMS-MAS Messages at intermediate Poses to inform the AMS about the progress of execution of the received AMS-MAS Message. These contain:

  1. Current Time
  2. CAV Spatial Attitude
  3. Road State in case of serious misalignment between the expected and the actual Spatial Attitude at the current Time, such as caused by Ice Conditions and Submersion.
  4. CAV State.

3       Syntax


4       Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes AMS-MAS Message Header
– Standard – AMSMASMessage 8 Bytes The characters “CAV-AMM-V”
– Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 Bytes
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Bytes Minor version – 1 or 2 Bytes
AMSMASMessageID N4 Bytes Identifier of AMS-MAS Message.
AMSMASMessageData N5 Bytes Data in AMS-MAS Message.
– Time N6 Bytes Duration the Message applies to.
– Trajectory N7 Bytes Trajectory to be executed.
– Command N8 Bytes One of Execute or Suspend.
– RoadState N9 Bytes Current Road State.
– CAVState N10 Bytes Current CAV State.
DescrMetadata N11 Bytes Descriptive Metadata