1       Description

Message exchanged by the Ego CAV’s and the Remote CAV’s AMSs in the form of:

  1. Request/Response of M-Location corresponding to the intended U-Location:
  2. Transmission of the Trajectory the CAV intends to adopt.

2       Functional Requirements

The interaction between the Ego and Remote CAVs unfolds as follows:

  1. A CAV sends an Ego-Remote AMS Message requesting information about how the Remote CAV understands a specific subset of its Environment corresponding to the intended U-Location.
  2. The Remote CAV accepting the request:
    1. Converts the requested U-Location to the M-Location of its Full Environment Descriptors (FED).
    2. Extracts the subset of the FED corresponding to the M-Location thanks to the scene-based object description of the FED.
    3. Harvests available bandwidth to send a version of the FED that is compatible with the currently available mobile bandwidth
    4. Sends the requested M-Location with the level of detail defined in 3.
  3. The Ego CAV
    1. Reconciles the different values of the components of its own M-Location and those received.
    2. Records in MAS Data major discrepancies between its own Positions and the one deduced from the Remote CAV FED.

CAV-TEC V1.0 does not consider the potential requirements to hide the identity of the CAV sending information extracted from its own Full Environment Descriptors and potential solutions to cope with that requirement.

3       Syntax


4       Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes Road State Header
– Standard 9 Bytes The characters “MMM-ERA-V”
– Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 Bytes
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Bytes Minor version – 1 or 2 Bytes
EgoRemoteAMSMessageID N4 Bytes Identifier of Ego-Remote-AMS Message.
RequestMessage N5 Bytes CAV’s Request
– EgoCAVID N6 Bytes CAV ID
-ULocation N7 Bytes Description of the Environment’s portion.
ResponseMessage N8 Bytes Data of Ego-Remote-AMS Message
– RemoteCAVID N9 Bytes M-Location in Remote AMS.
– RemoteFED N10 Bytes FED Subset relevant to requested M-Location .
InformationMessageSender N11 Bytes Message sent for information
– EgoCAVID N12 Bytes CAV ID
– Trajectory N13 Bytes Trajectory Ego AMS intends to adopt.
InformationMessageReceiver N14 Bytes Message sent for information
– EgoCAVID N15 Bytes CAV ID
– Accept/Reject N16 Bytes Trajectory accepted/rejected by Remote AMS
AlertMessage N17 Bytes Message sent to alert CAVs about Ego CAV status.
– EgoCAVID N18 Bytes CAV ID
– Ambulance N19 Bytes CAV is an ambulance.
– Authority N20 Bytes CAV carries an authority.
– Health N21 Bytes CAV carries a passenger with critical health problem.
– Road State N22 Bytes Appropriate subset of Road State.
– CAV State N23 Bytes Appropriate subset of CAV State.
– Evacuation N24 Bytes Environment must be evacuated.
DescrMetadata N25 Bytes Descriptive Metadata