1       Description

Message exchanged by the Ego CAV’s and the Remote CAV’s AMSs in the form of

  1. Request Of a specific M-Location corresponding to a U-Location of interest to the requesting CAV  or Response.
  2. Transmission of the Trajectory the CAV intends to adopt.

2       Functional Requirements

The interaction between the Ego and Remote CAVs unfolds as follows:

  1. A CAV sends an Ego-Remote AMS Message requesting information about how the Remote CAV understands a specific subset of its Environment (U-Location).
  2. The Remote CAV may accept the request and
    1. Extract the subset of the Full Environment Descriptors of the M-Location corresponding to the received U-Location from the Full Environment Descriptors thanks to the object- and scene-based description of the Full Environment Descriptors.
    2. Send the Ego CAV its own ID and the requested M-Location with a specific level of detail after harvesting available bandwidth to send a version of the Full Environment Descriptors that is compatible with the currently available mobile bandwidth.
  3. The Ego CAV reconciles the different values of the components of its own M-Location and those received.

CAV-TEC V1.0 does not consider the potential need to hide the identity of the CAV sending information extracted from its own Full Environment Descriptors.

3       Syntax


4       Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes Road State Header
– Standard 9 Bytes The characters “MMM-ERA-V”
– Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 Bytes
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Bytes Minor version – 1 or 2 Bytes
EgoRemoteAMSMessageID N4 Bytes Identifier of Ego-Remote-AMS Message.
RequestMessage N5 Bytes CAV’s Request
– EgoCAVID N6 Bytes CAV ID
-ULocation N7 Bytes Description of the Environment’s portion.
ResponseMessage N8 Bytes Data of Ego-Remote-AMS Message
– RemoteCAVID N9 Bytes M-Location in Remote AMS.
– RemoteMLocationAVSceneDescriptors N10 Bytes M-Location Data in Ego AMS.
InformationMessage N11 Bytes
– Trajectory N12 Bytes Trajectory intended by Ego AMS.
– Accept/Reject N13 Bytes Trajectory accepted/rejected by Remote AMS
AlertMessage N14 Bytes
– Ambulance N15 Bytes CAV is an ambulance.
– Authority N16 Bytes CAV carries an authority.
– Health N17 Bytes CAV carries a passenger with critical health problem.
– Troubles N18 Bytes CAV has a mechanical problem.
– JamsWorks N19 Bytes Works and traffic jams ahead
– Evacuation N20 Bytes Environment must be evacuated.
DescrMetadata N21 Bytes Descriptive Metadata