1       Definition

The Full Environment Descriptors (FED) is the result of the Autonomous Motion Subsystem’s integration of:

  1. The BED from the Ego CAV’s ESS.
  2. The Road State and CAV State.
  3. BED-related information received from Remote AMSs in range or Roadside Units.

2       Functional Requirements

The FED is generated from the BED with the following characteristics:

  1. The Road State is added to the BED.
  2. The CAV State is added to the BED as an Annotation to the Ego CAV.
  3. Information from Remote CAVs or other CAV-enabled equipment may be added to improve on or replace existing or missing information in the BED.
  4. Replaced or complemented objects retain the Device ID of the remote CAV’s device that provided the information used by the remote CAV to create the object.
  5. Traffic Annotations are added to the BED where required.
  6. Available information on CAVs in the environment is integrated by the IDs of the CAVs and by Traffic Annotations.
  7. The actual shape of the CAV may replace the existing representation, e.g., because the actual shape is derived from the CAV’s Model ID.
  8. The FED has a scalable representation to allow for:
    • Refinement of FED when new EST-specific Scene Descriptors are added.
    • Extraction of part of the FED based on a required Level of Detail, e.g., Object bounding boxes and their Spatial Attitudes.
    • Addition of new data, e.g., the shape of an Object improving on a previous 2D or bounding box information.
    • Fast access to Object metadata, such as Spatial Attitude and shape (e.g., bounding box for a Visual Object).
    • Selected (read) access to data required by different AIMs, e.g., the RADAR Scene Description AIM accesses the current BED to improve its description.
    • Update of Objects and Scenes from one Scene to another.

The AMS may:

  1. Communicate the FED to the ESS.
  2. Communicate a subset of FED to another CAV with different levels of detail, e.g., starting from Position and Bounding Box, depending on the available bandwidth.
  3. Verify the feasibility of a Trajectory, e.g., to enable the AMS to check that the intended Trajectory of the ego CAV does not collide with other Objects in the Decision Horizon.
  4. Harvest and use available bandwidth to send a version of the FED that is compatible with the available mobile bandwidth.

3       Syntax


4       Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes Full Environment Descriptors Headers
– Standard 9 Bytes The characters “CAV-FED-V”
– Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 Bytes
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Bytes Minor version – 1 or 2 Bytes
MInstance N4 Bytes Virtual Space of the BED.
FullEnviroment DescriptorsID N5 Bytes FED ID
AudioVisualSceneDescriptors N6 Bytes AV Scene Descriptors of Environment.
RoadState N7 Bytes Road State integrated in Scene Description
CAV State N8 Bytes CAV State added as Traffic Annotation
DescrMetadata N8 Bytes Descriptive Metadata.