1       Definition

A Data Type including:

  1. LiDAR Data perceptible by a LiDAR receiver.
  2. Descriptive Data (Qualifier) providing information on the types of LiDAR Data processable by a Machine.

LiDAR Data are produced by a “time-of-flight”-based Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) active sensor able to measure the distance and speed of objects from the time taken by a signal emitted by the sensor to hit an object and be reflected back to the source.

2       Functional Requirements

LiDAR Data

  1. Includes a voxel’s:
    1. Distance from the sensor.
    2. Grayscale obtained by the intensity variation of the reflected light.
    3. Colour obtained by using more than one wavelength.
    4. Velocity by using the Doppler shift in frequency caused by motion, or by taking the position at different times.
  2. Has
    1. Angular resolution ~0.1º vertical and ~1º horizontal
    2. Maximum field capture of ~40º vertical.

A LiDAR Object may include:

  1. The ID of a Virtual Space (M-Instance) where it is or is intended to be located.
  2. The ID of the LiDAR Object.
  3. The ID(s) of Parent Object(s) supporting two cases:
    1. The Parent Object has spawned two (or more) Objects.
    2. Two (or more) Parent Objects have merged into one.
  4. The Space-Time information of Parent Objects in an M-Instance.
  5. The ID(s) of the Child Objects.
  6. The Space-Time information of Child Objects in an M-Instance.
  7. The Space-Time information of the Visual Data in an M-Instance.
  8. The LiDAR Data Qualifier.
  9. The LiDAR Data Annotations, including:
    1. Annotation
    2. Annotation Space-Time
    3. Process Action ID

3       Syntax


4       Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes LiDAR Object Header
– Standard-LiDARObject 9 Bytes The characters “CAV-LIO-V”
– Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 characters
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Bytes Minor version – 1 or 2 characters
MInstanceID N4 Bytes Identifier of M-Instance.
LiDARObjectID N5 Bytes Identifier of the LiDAR Object.
ParentLiDARObjects[] N6 Bytes Identifier(s) of Parent LiDAR Objects.
– ParentLiDARObjectID N7 Bytes Identifier of a Parent LiDAR Object.
ParentLiDARDataSpaceTime N8 Bytes SpaceTime of a Parent LiDAR Object.
ChildLiDARObjects[] N9 Bytes Identifier(s) of Parent LiDAR Objects.
– ChildLiDARObjectID N10 Bytes Identifier of a Child LiDAR Object.
– ChildLiDARObjectSpaceTime N11 Bytes SpaceTime of a Child LiDAR Object.
LiDARDataSpace-Time N12 Bytes Space-Time info of LiDAR Data.
LiDARDataQualifier N13 Bytes Qualifier of LiDAR Data.
LiDARDataAnnotations[] N14 Bytes Annotations of LiDAR Data
– Annotation N15 Bytes ID of Annotation
– AnnotationSpaceTime N16 Bytes Where/when Annotation is attached.
– AnnotationRights N17 Bytes What is possible to do with the Annotation
DescrMetadata N18 Bytes Descriptive Metadata