1       Definition

An Offline Map or HD map or 3D map is a roadmap with cm-level accuracy and a high environmental fidelity reporting the positions of pedestrian crossings, traffic lights/signs, barriers etc. at the time the Offline Map has been created.

2       Functional Requirements

The features of  Offline Map used by a CAV should consider the features of data formats such as:

  1. Navigation Data Standards calls itself “The Environment wide standard for map data in automotive eco-systems”. Their NDS specification covers data model, storage format, interfaces, and protocols.
  2. SharedStreets Referencing System calls itself a global non-proprietary system for describing streets.

3       Syntax


4       Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes Input Offline Map Header
– Standard 9 Bytes The characters “CAV-IOM-V”
– Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 characters
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Byte Minor version – 1 or 2 characters
MInstanceID N4 Bytes ID of the Virtual Space.
InputOffline MapID N5 Bytes ID of Input Offline Map.
Offline MapSensorID N6 Bytes ID of Offline Map Sensor.
InputOffline Map Ny Bytes Set of Input Offline Map
– InputOffline MapQualifier N12 Bytes The Qualifier of Input Offline Map
– InputOffline MapPayload N13 Bytes The Payload of Input Offline Map
– InputOffline MapDataLength N14 Bytes The Length of Input Offline Map Data in Bytes
– InputOffline MapDataURI N15 Bytes URI of Input Offline Map Data
DescrMetadata N16 Bytes Descriptive Metadata

5       Data Formats

Several Sub-Types. Formats, and Attributes are required..

6       To Respondents

Respondents are requested to:

  1. Comment on the functional requirements of the Offline Map.
  2. Propose Sub-Types. Formats, and Attributes for use in the future Technical Specification: Data Types, Formats, and Attributes (MPAI-TFA).