Actions are activities performed by Processes in an M-Instance specified by functional requirements and metadata. Actions are grouped in 5 categories
1 General Actions
1.1 Register
Purpose | The Action of a human requesting that a Service grant their elected Users the Rights to perform Actions in the M-Instance. | ||||||||||||||||
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
1.2 Change
Purpose | The Action of modifying the Rights of a Process or an Item and providing OutRights, e.g., to further Change the Rights. |
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
1.3 Hide
Purpose | The Action of making the ID of an Item unavailable and providing OutRights, e.g., to make the ID available again. |
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
1.4 Authenticate
Purpose | The Action of requesting to confirm that an Entity is what it claims to be. |
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
1.5 Identify
Purpose | The Action of requesting to produce an Item from Data & Metadata. | ||||||||||||||||
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
1.6 Modify
Purpose | The Action of requesting to produce a new Item from an existing Item by providing new Data and Metadata with the OutRights to further Act on the new Item. | ||||||||||||||||
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
1.7 Validate
Purpose | The Action of verifying that a Process has the Rights to perform or request a Process to perform a Process Action. | ||||||||||||||||
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
1.8 Execute
Purpose | The Action of executing a Contract. | ||||||||||||
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
2 Call a Service
2.1 Author
Purpose | The Action of requesting an Item with associated OutRights to Act on the Item. | ||||||||||||||||
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
2.2 Discover
Purpose | The Action of requesting a to provide Item IDs or Process ID relevant to the request to Discover. | ||||||||||||||||
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
2.3 Inform
Purpose | The Action of requesting information about an Item or Process, such as Metadata. | ||||||||||||||||
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
2.4 Interpret
Purpose | The Action of requesting interpretation of an Item, such as translation or extraction of Personal Status. | ||||||||||||||||
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
2.5 Post
Purpose | The Action of requesting that a Marketplace include an Asset to its repertory of Assets. | ||||||||||||||||
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
2.6 Transact
Purpose | The Action of a User1 (“sender”) requesting that a Service: 1. Assign Rights on an Asset to User2 (“receiver”). 2. Cause: 2.1. Wallet1 of User1 to be increased by Value1. 2.2. Wallet2 of User2 to be decreased by Value2. 2.3. Wallet3 of the Service enabling/facilitating the Transaction to be increased by Value3 (optionally). |
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
2.7 Convert
Purpose | The Action of requesting changing the Data of an Item according to a given Qualifier. | ||||||||||||||||
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
2.8 Resolve
Purpose | The Action of requesting that a Service in an M-Instance forward a Request-Resolve or a Response-Resolve Item to a Resolution Service of another M-Instance. | ||||||||||||||||
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
3 Manage Entities (Metaverse to Metaverse)
3.1 MM-Add
Purpose | The Action of adding an Entity at an M-Location with a Spatial Attitude and providing OutRights to Act on the MM-Added Entity. | ||||||||||||||||||
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
3.2 MM-Animate
Purpose | The Action of MM-Embedding a Model at an M-Location using a Process to change its features and providing the OutRights to Act on the MM-Added Model. | ||||||||||||||||
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
3.3 MM-Disable
Purpose | The Action of stopping to MM-Enable selected Entities Embedded at an M-Location and providing OutRights to Act on the MM-Disabled Entities. | ||||||||||||||||
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
3.4 MM-Embed
Purpose | The Composite Action of requesting that a Service MM-Add and MM-Enable an Entity either located at a Service or at an M-Location at a destination M-Location with a Spatial Attitude and providing OutRights to Act on the MM-Embedded Entity. | ||||||||||||||||||
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
3.5 MM-Enable
Purpose | The Action of implementing requests to MM-Send selected Items MM-Added at an M-Location per the Rights of the requesting User and providing OutRights to act on the selected M-Entities. | ||||||||||||||||
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
3.6 MM-Send
Purpose | The Action of sending an Item, or Data/Metadata to a Process with OutRights given to the Destination Process to Act on the Item or Data/Metadata. | ||||||||||||||||
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
4 Manage Entities (Metaverse to Universe)
4.1 MU-Actuate
Purpose | The Action of presenting an Item available at a Device to a U-Location as Media with a Spatial Attitude. | ||||||||||||||||
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
4.2 MU-Embed
Purpose | The Composite Action of requesting that:
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
4.3 MU-Send
Purpose | The Action of requesting that a Process store an Item at an Address. | ||||||||||||||||
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
4.4 Track
Purpose | The Composite Action of requesting that a Service:
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
5 Manage Entities (Universe to Metaverse)
5.1 UM-Animate
Purpose | The Composite Action of requesting:
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
5.2 UM-Capture
Purpose | The Action of capturing Media from a scene at a U-Location. | |||||||||||||||
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
5.3 UM-Embed
Purpose | The Composite Action of requesting:
Request-Action |
Response-Action |
5.4 UM-Send
Purpose | The Action of transmitting Data & Metadata from the Universe to a Process. | ||||||||||||||||
Request-Action |
Response-Action |