<–Functional Requirements- Data Types    Go to ToC     Summary of the items requested by the Call for Technologies–>


Table 2 provides an overview of the InItem, InLocation, OutLocation, and OutRights involved in all Actions. The prefixes In and Out refer to Items, Locations and Rights provided as input or as output, respectively.

Table 2 – Actions and InItem, InLocation, OutLocation, and OutRights involved.

Legend: Mdata= Metadata


  InItem InLocation OutLocation OutRights
Actions #1 #2 #3 #1 #2 #1 #2 #1
Register UserData Rights
Identify Data Mdata User Rights
Modify Item Data Mdata User Rights
Validate Request-Action Process Process Rights
Change User Rights Rights
Execute Contract Data Mdata Rights
Hide Item Rights
Authenticate AuthenticateIn User MLoc User Rights
Author Entity Data Mdata User Address User Service Rights
Discover DiscoverIn User Service User Rights
Inform InformIn MLoc User Rights
Interpret InterpretIn MLoc User Rights
Post Asset Process Service Rights
Transact Transaction Service M-Loc Process Rights
MM-Add Entity SA Process MLoc MLoc Rights
MM-Animate Model SA Stream MLoc MLoc Rights
MM-Embed Entity SA Process MLoc MLoc Rights
MM-Enable Entity MLoc MLoc Rights
MM-Disable Entity MLoc MLoc Rights
MM-Capture Entity MLoc Process Rights
MM-Send Item Process MLoc Process MLoc Rights
MU-Actuate Entity SA Process ULoc Mdata
MU-Render Entity SA MLoc Device ULoc Mdata
MU-Send Item Process M-Loc Address x
UM-Animate scene SA Model ULoc MLoc Rights
UM-Capture scene ULoc Device x
UM-Render scene SA ULoc MLoc Rights
UM-Send Item Data Mdata Process Address Process Mdata
Track Model SA Stream Service MLoc ULoc Rights


<–Functional Requirements- Data Types   Go to ToC     Summary of the items requested by the Call for Technologies–>