1      Definition

A region of an M-Instance with Space-Time attributes that is not exposed as further subdivided as a Location.

2      Functional Requirements

Basic M-Location is a portion of an M-Instance space having the following characteristics:

  1. Has Space-Time attributes.
  2. May cover a limited Space and Time or be unlimited in Space, Time or Space-Time.
  3. Is composed of elementary space portions of the M-Instance space represented with a technology recorded in the Location Qualifier.
  4. The Space-Time attributes of the Basic M-Location may override the Space-Time information of the technology used to represent the Basic M-Location’s elementary space portions.
  5. It is continuous, i.e., the Basic M-Location does not include space portions completely surrounded by the Basic M-Location’s elementary space portions.
  6. May be 0th element of a hierarchy of M-Locations.
  7. If further subdivided, the Levels of the hierarchy are renumbered.
  8. May have Rights attached governing the Process Actions that a Process may perform in the M-Location.
  9. The Basic M-Location Rights may be Original or Granted.
  10. A Basic M-Location inherits but may have more Rights than the Rights of the M-Location of Level 1.

3      Syntax


4      Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes Basic M-Location Header
– Standard-BasicMLocation 9 Bytes The characters “MMM-BML-V”
– Version N2 Bytes Major version
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Bytes Minor version
MInstanceID N4 Bytes Identifier of M-Instance.
MEnvironmentID N5 Bytes Identifier of M-Environment.
BasicMLocationID N6 Bytes Identifier of Basic M-Location.
BasicMLocationSpaceTime N7 Bytes Space-Time of the Basic M-Location.
BasicMLocationRights N8 Bytes Rights attached to Basic M-Location.
BasicMLocation[] N9 Bytes Set of Data defining Basic-M-Location.
– LocationQualifier N10 Bytes Qualifier of Basic M-Location
DescrMetadata N11 Bytes Descriptive Metadata.