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An Item is an MMM-TEC- specified Data Type including Data and Metadata. An Item may be produced:

  1. By an autonomous decision of a Process.
  2. As a result of request by a human through Process of their or of the M-Instance.
  3. Using Data sensed from the Universe.

MMM-TEC specifies or references 65 types of Items. Each Item is defined by the JSON Syntax and Semantics of a Data Type specified by MMM-TEC or other MPAI Technical Specifications.

An Item may optionally include:

  1. Data Qualifier signalling the relevant characteristics or technologies of a Data Type.
  2. Rights that can be exercised by certain Processes on an Item at certain M- or U-Locations at certain Times.
General Basic Certificate Certificate Contract Identifier
M-Capabilities M-Environment M-Instance Program
Rights Rules U-Environment
Human&User Account Activity Data Personal Profile Personal Data
Process Interaction IPP Message Message P-Capabilities Process Action
Service Access Authentication Basic Discovery Basic Information Basic Interpretation
Discovery Information Interpretation Verification
Finance Asset Currency Provenance Transaction
Value Wallet
Perception 3D Model Object 3D Model Basic Scene Descriptors 3D Model Scene Descriptors Audio Basic Scene Descriptors
Audio Object Audio Scene Descriptors Audio-Visual Basic Scene Descriptors Audio-Visual Event Descriptors
Audio-Visual Object Perceptible Entity Audio-Visual Scene Descriptors Speech Basic Scene Descriptors
Speech Object Speech Scene Descriptors Visual Basic Scene Descriptors Visual Object
Visual Scene Descriptors Summary Text Object
Internal State Cognitive State Emotion Personal Status Social Attitude
Space&Time Basic M-Location Basic U-Location M-Location Orientation
Point of View Position Space-Time Spatial Attitude
Time U-Location Universe-Metaverse Map

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