Inter-Process Protocol | Process Action | Backus Naur form |
1 Inter-Process Protocol
Processes perform Actions on Items to enable metaverse activities. For instance:
- “Device UM-Captures Media At U-Location” represents a Device capturing Media at a U-Location.
- “Device MM-Sends DataMdata to Process” represents a Device sending the resulting Data and Metadata (DataMdata) to a Process in the M-Instance.
- “User MM-Embeds Persona At M-Location and User MM-Animates Persona With Stream” represents User placing an avatar (Persona) at an M-Location and animating it with a data stream.
An elementary activity in an M-Instance involves a Process1 requesting a Process2 to perform an Action. For instance:
- MM-Send relies on the Communication Service to make available DataMdata and Items of a Process to another Process.
- MM-Embed relies on a Location Service instantiating an Item (e.g., Persona) at an M-Location.
Process1 may coincide with Process2 .
MMM-TEC enables interoperability between M-Instances. This means that, given that appropriate business agreements are in place, a Process in an M-Instance1 can request a Process2 in a different M-Instance2 to perform Actions on Items. The two Processes can communicate thanks to the Resolution Services of the two M-Instances acting as gateways.
MMM-TEC specifies the following elements of the Inter-Process Protocol (IPP) message:
IPP Message Elements | Description |
Message ID | ID of PA Request or PA Response. |
Response ID | ID of the Message to which this Message is a response. Absent when the Message is a request. |
Source Process ID | ID of Process issuing Message. |
Process Action | Combination of Action, Items/Processes and Complement (see below). |
Resolution Service ID | Resolution Service forwarding the Message to a Process in an M-Instance (Absent if the two Processes are in the same M-Instance). |
Destination Process ID | ID of Process to which the Message is sent. |
Acknowledgement | Acknowledgement, if successful, or Error, if failure. |
Figure 1 depicts the IPP steps when the two interacting Processes are in the same M-Instance. PA is short for Process Action.
Figure 1 – The Inter-Process Protocol when the two Processes are in the same M-Instance.
The process unfolds through the following steps:
- Process1 sends a Process Action Request (PA Request) to Process2.
- Process2 analyses the PA Request.
- If the analysis yields an error, Process2 sends a Process Action Response (PA Response) with an error to Process1.
- Else, Process2 performs the PA Request.
- If the execution of the PA Request fails, Process2 sends a PA Response with an error to Process1.
- Else, Process2 sends a PA Response to Process1.
Figure 2 depicts the IPP steps when the two Processes are in different M-Instances. Here, the Process suffixes are prefixed by the letter A or B indicating the M-Instances they belong to.
Figure 2 – The Inter-Process Protocol when the two Processes are in different M-Instances.
The process unfolds through the following steps:
- ProcessA1 sends a PA Request to Resolution ServiceA.
- Resolution ServiceA determines the Resolution ServiceB it should forward the PA Request to.
- If the determination is not reached it send and error to ProcessA1.
- Else it forwards the request to Resolution ServiceB1.
- Resolution ServiceB determines the Process it should send the PA Request to.
- If the determination is not reached, it send an error to Resolution ServiceA1.
- Else it forwards the PA Request to ProcessB1
- ProcessB1 analyses the PA Request.
- If the analysis of the request fails, it sends an error to Resolution ServiceB.
- Else, ProcessB1
- May request a Conversion ServiceB to make appropriate conversion of the Formats of the Data in the Items it received.
- Performs the request.
- If the execution of the PA Request fails, it sends an error to Resolution ServiceB.
- Else it sends a PA Response to Resolution ServiceB1.
- Resolution ServiceB sends error or PA Response to Resolution ServiceA.
- Resolution ServiceA sends error or PA Response to ProcessA1.
- ProcessA1 may request a Conversion ServiceA to make appropriate conversion of the Formats of the Data in the Items it received.
The Error Messages generated by either Resolution Service may be “No Rights to request Process Action to this M-Instance”.
The Error Message generated by a Process may be one of three types:
- “Unable to perform request”.
- “Transaction of Value required” (actual value provided).
- “Conversion Service failure”.
- Process Action-specific error.
An Inter-Process Protocol session is set up by the IPP Session Setup whereby:
- ProcessA requests Resolution ServiceA to request a session to the Resolution Services of M-Instances hosting at least one invited Process.
- Resolution ServiceA forwards the request to all relevant Resolution Services.
- A Resolution ServiceB forwards the request to each invited ProcessB‘s of its M-Instance.
- An invited ProcessB responds to Resolution ServiceB accepting or rejecting the invitation.
- A Resolution ServiceB forwards the response to Resolution ServiceA.
- Resolution ServiceA forwards the request to ProcessA.
- If at least one invited Process accepts the invitation, the session starts.
2 Process Action
The general Semantics of a Process Action is expressed by:
PA Element | Description |
Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | One of the standard Actions. |
Item or Process | The Item or the Process on which the Action is performed. Both can be identified by an ID while the Item may also be the actual Item. |
S-Complements | One or more Items or the Process participating in the execution of the Action at the S-Process side. Each Item/Process is preceded by At, Of, or With. |
D-Complements | One or more Items or the Process participating in the execution of the Action at the Destination side. Each Item/Process is preceded by At, From, Of, or With. |
OutItem | The Item produced by the Process Action. It may be identified by its ID or be provided as an Actual Item. |
MMM-TEC V2.0 specifies the following Process Actions:
General notes:
- Process Actions are specified with the following conventions:
- “S-” indicates Source Complements.
- “D-” indicates Destination Complements.
- Items, e.g., Rights, Transactions, etc. may be transmitted as IDs or as actual Items.
- A Process Actions Request (PA Request) may include a With Transaction S-Complement whereby S-Process pays for the performance of a PA Request.
- A Process Actions Response (PA Response) Error may include a With TransactionModel to signal that a Transaction must performed to execute the PA Request.
- P-Capabilities include the Process Actions a Process is able to perform.
2.1 Authenticate
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | Authenticate | The Action of a User requesting an Authentication Service to: 1. Confirm that an Item or Process is what it claims to be. 2. Add Rights to Authentication Item response based on Model Rights. |
Item or Process | Not Applicable. | |
S-Complements | – At M-Location | Where the Item to be Authenticated is located. |
– With Authentication | The Authentication Item requesting authentication. | |
D-Complements | At User | The requesting User shall receive the Authentication Item response. |
With ModelRights | If PA Request is successfully performed, User and Authentication Item shall hold Rights based on Model Rights. | |
OutItem | Authentication | Authentication Item response. |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient | |
M-Location | Out of range | |
U-Location | Out of range |
2.2 Author
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | Author | The Action of a User requesting an Author Service to produce an Item based on provided Items, Data, Qualifiers, and to grant Rights to the Authored Item based on Model Rights. |
Item or Process | Not Applicable | |
S-Complements | With Items | Information used by Author Service may be Items and/or |
With Data | Data and | |
With Qualifier | Data Qualifier. | |
D-Complements | At Process | A Process shall receive the Authored Item. |
With ModelRights | If PA Request is successfully performed, Item shall hold Rights based on ModelRights. | |
OutItem | Item | Item produced by Author Service. |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient | |
Wallet error | Insufficient Value |
2.3 Change
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | Change | The Action of a User requesting a Rights Service to Modify the Rights of a Process or an Item based on ModelRights. |
Item or Process | Rights | Rights to be Changed. |
S-Complements | Not Applicable. | |
D-Complements | At User | The requesting User receives the new Rights and Acknowledgement. |
With ModelRights | If PA Request is successfully performed, Rights shall be based on ModelRights. | |
OutItem | Rights | The new Process or Item Rights. |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
In Rights | Insufficient |
2.4 Convert
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | Convert | The Action of a Process requesting a Conversion Service to: 1. Change the Data of an Item according to a given Qualifier. 2. Add Rights to the Converted Item based on ModelRights. |
Item or Process | Item | The Item to be Converted. |
S-Complements | At Service | The Item can be stores at a Process or |
At M-Location | Located at an M-Location. | |
D-Complements | At Process | The requesting process receives the Converted Item. |
With ModelRights | If PA Request is successfully performed, Item shall hold Rights based on ModelRights. | |
OutItem | Item | Item or Item ID produced by Conversion Service. |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient |
2.5 Discover
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | Discover | The Action of a User requesting a Discovery Service to: 1. Provide Item IDs or Process IDs relevant to the request contained in Discovery Item. 2. Add Rights to the Discovery Item response based on ModelRights. |
Item or Process | Not Applicable | |
S-Complements | At User | The User contains the Discovery Item request. |
D-Complements | At User | The User receives the Discovery Item response |
With ModelRights | If PA Request is successfully performed, Discovery Item shall hold Rights based on ModelRights. | |
OutItem | Item | Discovery Item or Item ID produced by Conversion Service. |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient |
2.6 Execute
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | Execute | The Action of a Process requesting an Execution Service to: 1. Execute a Program. 2. Add Rights to the produced Items based on ModelRights. |
Item or Process | Program | The Program to be Executed. |
S-Complements | At User | Program may be located at User or |
At Service | At a Service | |
D-Complements | At Process | The result of the execution is made available at a Process. |
OutRights | ModelRights | If PA Request is successfully performed, Item produced shall hold Rights based on ModelRights. |
OutItem | Item | Depending on the Program. |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient |
2.7 Hide
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | Hide | The Action of a Process requesting an Identification Service to: 1. Make the ID of an Item unavailable. 2. Add Rights to the hidden Item based on ModelRights. |
Item or Process | Item | Item to be Hidden. |
S-Complements | At Process | Item is at a Process or |
At M-Location | At an M-Location. | |
D-Complements | At User | User receives new ItemID. |
OutRights | ModelRights | If PA Request is successfully performed, Hidden Item shall hold Rights based on ModelRights. |
OutItem | Rights | Rights to Act on the Hidden Item. |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient |
2.8 Identify
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | Identify | The Action of a Process requesting an Identification Service to: 1. Produce an Item from Data & Metadata. 2. Add Rights to the Item based on ModelRights. |
Item or Process | DataMdata | Data and Metadata used to create the Item. |
S-Complements | At Process | DataMdata are available at the requesting Process. |
D-Complements | At Process | Requesting Process will receive ItemID. |
OutRights | ModelRights | If PA Request is successfully performed, Identifier shall hold Rights based on ModelRights. |
OutItem | Item | Created Item. |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient |
2.9 Inform
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | Inform | The Action of requesting an Information Service to: 1. Provide information about an Item or Process as contained in the Information Item. 2. Add Rights to Information Item response based on ModelRights. |
Item or Process | Not Applicable. | |
S-Complements | At M-Location | The location of the Item whose information is requested. |
With Information | Item containing the request. | |
D-Complements | At User | Receives the Information Item response. |
OutRights | ModelRights | If PA Request is successfully performed, Information Item shall hold Rights based on ModelRights. |
OutItem | Information Item | The Information Item response. |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient |
2.10 Interpret
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | Interpret | The Action of requesting an Interpretation Service to: 1. Provide information about an Item or Process as contained in the Interpretation Item. 2. Add Rights to Interpretation Item response based on ModelRights. |
Item or Process | Not Applicable. | |
S-Complements | At M-Location | The location of the Item whose interpretation is requested. |
With Interpretation | Interpretation Item containing the interpretation request. | |
D-Complements | At User | Receives the Interpretation Item response. |
OutRights | ModelRights | If PA Request is successfully performed, Interpretation Item shall hold Rights based on ModelRights. |
OutItem | Interpretation Item | The Interpretation Item response. |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient |
2.11 MM-Add
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | MM-Add | The Action of a User requesting a Location Service to: Place an Item at an M-Location with a Spatial Attitude and the following modifications: – Resize the Item by Rx, Ry, Rz along the Item’s axes. – Change Item Properties per Qualifier. – Do not display the Item. – Change MM-Embedded Item Rights based on ModelRights. |
Item or Process | Item | Item to be MM-Added. |
S-Complements | At User | Item can be At User or |
At M-Location | At an M-Location. | |
With Spatial Attitude | The Spatial Attitude the Item shall have at M-Location. | |
With Qualifier | Qualifier of Item’s Data. | |
D-Complements | At M-Location | The M-Location where the Item is to be MM-Added. |
OutRights | ModelRights | If PA Request is successfully performed, MM-Added Item shall hold Rights based on ModelRights. |
OutItem | Not Applicable. | |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient | |
Clash | Item clashes with another Item | |
M-Location | Out of range |
2.12 MM-Anim
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | MM-Anim | The Action of a User requesting a Location Service to Animate the Item with a Stream Item. |
Item or Process | Item | Item to be MM-Animated. |
S-Complements | At M-Location | Where the Item is MM-Added or MM-Embedded. |
With Stream Item | Item is to be MM-Animated with a Stream Item. | |
D-Complements | With Spatial Attitude | The Item is to be located with Spatial Attitude. |
OutItem | Not Applicable. | |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient | |
Clash | Item clashes with another Item | |
M-Location | Out of range |
2.13 MM-Disable
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | MM-Disable | The Action of a User requesting an Identification Service to change the Qualifier of an MM-Enabled Item to disable its display. |
Item or Process | Item | Item to be MM-Disabled. |
S-Complements | At M-Location | M-Location is the target one (the same Item may be located at different M-Locations simultaneously). |
D-Complements | Not Applicable. | |
OutItem | Not Applicable. | |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient | |
M-Location | Out of range |
2.14 MM-Embed
Time | Time | Time of PA Request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | MM-Embed | The Action of a User requesting a Location Service to place an Item at an M-Location with a Spatial Attitude modified as follows: – Resize the Item by Rx, Ry, Rz along the Item’s axes. – Change Item Properties per Qualifier. – Display the Item. – Change the Rights to the MM-Embedded Item based on ModelRights. |
Item or Process | Item | Item to be MM-Embedded. |
S-Complements | At User | Item may be located at User or |
At M-Location | The current M-Location of Item. | |
With Qualifier | Qualifier of Item’s Data. | |
D-Complements | At M-Location | The M-Location where the Item is to be MM-Embedded. |
With Spatial Attitude | Item is to be located with a Spatial Attitude. | |
OutRights | ModelRights | If PA Request is successfully performed, MM-Embedded Item shall hold Rights based on ModelRights. |
OutItem | Not Applicable. | |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient | |
Clash | Item clashes with another Item | |
M-Location | Out of range |
2.15 MM-Enable
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | MM-Enable | The Action of a User requesting a Location Service to: 1. Display an Item that is MM-Added at an M-Location. 2. Add Rights to Act on the selected M-Entities based on ModelRights. |
Item or Process | Item | Item to be MM-Enabled. |
S-Complements | At M-Location | M-Location is the target one (the same Item may be located at different M-Locations simultaneously). |
D-Complements | Not Applicable. | |
OutRights | ModelRights | If PA Request is successfully performed, OutRights based on ModelRights shall be added. |
OutItem | Not Applicable. | |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient | |
M-Location | Out of range |
2.16 MM-Send
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | MM-Send | The Action of a Process requesting a Communication Service: 1. To send a Message to a Process. 2. Granting Rights to the Item, Data, and Qualifier of the Message. |
Item or Process | Message | The Message sent to the other Process. |
S-Complements | Not Applicable. | |
D-Complements | To Process | The Process that receives the Message. |
OutRights | Rights | If PA Request is successfully performed, OutRights based on ModelRights shall be granted to the Message. |
OutItem | Not Applicable. | |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient |
2.17 Modify
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | Modify | The Action of a User requesting an Identification Service to produce a new Item from an existing Item from new Data, Qualifiers, and Rights to the new Item based on ModelRights. |
Item or Process | Item | Item to be Modified. |
S-Complements | At ProcessID | Item is at a Process. |
With Data, Qualifier, and OutRights | Data, Qialifier, and OutRights provided to Modify Item. | |
D-Complements | Not Applicable. | |
OutRights | ModelRights | If PA Request is successfully performed, OutRights based on ModelRights shall be added. |
OutItem | Item | The Modified Item. |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient | |
DataMdata | Incorrect |
2.18 MU-Actuate
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | MU-Actuate | The Action of a Device rendering at a U-Location an Item available at a Device as Media with a Spatial Attitude. |
Item or Process | Item | Item to be MU-Actuated. |
S-Complements | At Device | Item is located at Device. |
D-Complements | At U-Location | U-Location where the Item is actuated as Media. |
With Spatial Attitude | The Spatial Attitude of the Item Actuated as Media. | |
OutRights | Rights | If PA Request is successfully performed, Rights shall be produced granting Rights to the Media based on ModelRights to the relevant entity having rights to the U-Location . |
OutItem | Media | Actuated Item. |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient | |
U-Location | Out of range |
2.19 MU-Send
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | MU-Send | The Action of a Device requesting a Communication Service to send a Message to a Process with OutRights to Data and Qualifier based on ModelRights. |
Item or Process | Message | Message sent to Process. |
S-Complements | Not Applicable. | |
D-Complements | Process | Process that shall receive the Item. |
OutRights | Rights | If Communication Service successfully performs PA Request, it shall grant OutRights based on ModelRights to Data and Qualifier . |
OutItem | Not Applicable. | |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient |
2.20 Post
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | Post | The Action of a User requesting that a Marketplace Service include to its repertory an Asset with Rights based on ModelRights and a ModelTransaction. |
Item or Process | Asset | Asset User wishes to Post. |
S-Complements | With ModelTransaction | A User wishing to acquire Rights on the Asset shall use a Transaction Item based on the ModelTransaction. |
D-Complements | Not Applicable. | |
OutRights | Not Applicable. | |
OutItem | Not Applicable. | |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient | |
Wallet | Insufficient Value |
2.21 Register
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | Register | The Action of a human requesting that a Registration Service grant Rights to selected Processes of theirs. |
Item or Process | Not Applicable. | |
S-Complements | With Personal Profile | Human’s Personal Profile. |
D-Complements | Not Applicable. | |
OutRights | Rights | Rights granted to Registering human’s Processes deployed in M-Instance. |
OutItem | Account | Registered human’s Account. |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
Wallet | Insufficient Value |
2.22 Resolve
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | Resolve | The Action of: 1. A Process requesting that a Resolution Service set up a session between/among two/more than two Processes in two/more than two M-Instances. 2. A Process or Resolution Service responding to a session request. |
Item or Process | Not Applicable. | |
S-Complements | With Resolution | Resolution Item used to request a session or to respond to a session request.. |
D-Complements | Not Applicable. | |
OutRights | Not Applicable | |
OutItem | Resolution | Resolution Response. |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
Wallet | Insufficient Value |
2.23 Transact
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | Transact | The Action of a User1 (“sender”) requesting that a Transaction Service: 1. Assign Rights on an Asset to User2 (“receiver”). 2. Cause: 2.1. Wallet1 of User1 to be increased by Value1. 2.2. Wallet2 of User2 to be decreased by Value2. 2.3. Wallet3 of the Service enabling/facilitating the Transaction to be increased by Value3 (optionally). |
Item or Process | Transaction | Transaction Item used in transaction. |
S-Complements | Not Applicable. | |
D-Complements | Not Applicable. | |
OutRights | Not Applicable. | |
OutItem | Not Applicable. | |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient | |
Wallet | Insufficient Value |
2.24 UM-Capture
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | The Action of a Device capturing Data from Media at a U-Location. | |
Item or Process | Media | The captured Media to be stored in Device as Data, Qualifier and ModelRights. |
S-Complements | At U-Location. | |
D-Complements | With Qualifier | |
With Model Rights | ||
OutRights | Rights | If Device successfully performs PA Request, it shall grant to Device OutRights to use the Data and Qualifier based on ModelRights. |
OutItem | DataMdata | DataMdata residing in Device after capture. |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient | |
U-Location | Out of range |
2.25 UM-Send
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | The Action of a Device requesting a Communication Service 1. To send a Message to a Process. 2. Granting Rights to Act on the contents of the Message. |
Item or Process | Message | The Message sent to the Process. |
S-Complements | Not Applicable. | |
D-Complements | To Process | Not Applicable. |
OutRights | Rights | If Communication Service successfully performs PA Request, it shall grant to Process OutRights to use the DataMdata in Message based on ModelRights. |
OutItem | Not Applicable. | |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient | |
U-Location | Out of range |
2.26 Validate
Time | Time | Time of PA request emission and Time of PA request execution. |
Action | Authenticate | The Action of a User requesting a Validation Service to confirm that a Process Hold identified Rights. |
Item or Process | Process | Not Applicable. |
S-Complements | With Rights | Where the Item to be Authenticated is located. |
D-Complements | At User | The requesting User shall receive the Validation Item response. |
OutRights | ModelRights | If PA Request is successfully performed, OutRights based on ModelRights shall be produced. |
OutItem | Authentication | Authentication Item response. |
Acknowledgement | FaultyReq | The Request is Faulty |
IDs | Incorrect | |
InRights | Insufficient | |
M-Location | Out of range | |
U-Location | Out of range |
3 Backus-Naur form
statement :=
| zero_or_more_modifiers
action_keyword :=
| Authenticate
| Author
| Change
| Convert
| Discover
| Execute
| Hide
| Identify
| Inform
| Interpret
| MM-Add
| MM-Anim
| MM-Disable
| MM-Embed
| MM-Enable
| MM-Send
| Modify
| MU-Actuate
| MU-Send
| Post
| Register
| Transact
| UM-Capture
| UM-Send
| Validate
zero_or_more_modifiers :=
| /* empty */
| one_or_more_modifiers
one_or_more_modifiers :=
| modifier
| modifier one_or_more_modifiers
modifier :=
| ‘@’ TIME
| ‘AtP’ process
| ‘AtI’ item
| ‘OfP’ process
| ‘OfI’ item
| ‘WithP’ process
| ‘WithI’ item
zero_or_one_item :=
| /* empty */
| item
zero_or_one_outitem :=
| /* empty */
| ‘=’ item
item :=
| ID
process :=
| ID