1      Definition

An Item representing the authorisation of a Process to perform Actions and its type (Level).

2      Functional Requirements

Rights are determined by the following entities. The exact value may be dependent of the specific Action as specified in Protocols.

Level One of Internal, i.e., granted by the M-Instance to the Process, Acquired, i.e., obtained by initiative of the Process. or Granted, i.e., conceded to the Process by another Process.
Action One of the standard Actions.
Time The start and end of the time the Action may be performed.
Item or Process The (types of) Items or Processes on which the Action is applied. Both can be identified by its ID. The Item may be the actual Item.
S-Complements One or more (types of) Items or Processes participating in the execution of the Action at the S-Process side.
D-Complements One or more (types of) Items or Processes participating in the execution of the Action at the Destination side.
OutRights May be actual Rights or Data having the format of Rights sent by S-Process to D-Process. If the Process Action is successful, D-Process grants Rights on the OutItem as is Model Rights to S-Process.
D-Process The (type of) Process to which the Process Action is directed. In some cases, D-Process may concide with S-Process.
OutItem The (types of) Item produced by the Process Action.

3      Syntax


4      Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes Rights Header
– Standard – Rights 9 Bytes The characters “MMM-RGT-V”
– Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 characters
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Byte Minor version – 1 or 2 characters
M-InstanceID N4 Bytes Identifier of M-Instance.
RightsID N5 Bytes Identifier of Rights.
RightsData[] N6 Bytes Set of Rights Data
– Level N7 Bytes One of Internal, Acquired, Granted.
– Action N8 Bytes As specified in Functional Requirements.
– Time N9 Bytes As specified in Functional Requirements.
– Item or Process N10 Bytes As specified in Functional Requirements.
– S-Complements N11 Bytes As specified in Functional Requirements.
– D-Complements N12 Bytes As specified in Functional Requirements.
– OutRights N13 Byte As specified in Functional Requirements.
– D-Process N14 Bytes As specified in Functional Requirements.
– OutItem N15 Bytes As specified in Functional Requirements.
DescrMetadata N16 Bytes Descriptive Metadata