1      Definition

Rules is an Item containing the set of Rights that Processes May, May not, or Must exercise in the M-Instance:

May: A Process is allowed to exercise the Rights.

May not: A Process is not allowed to exercise the Rights.

Must: A Process must exercise the Rights.

2      Functional Requirements

S-Time The start and end of the time the Action may be performed.
Item or Process The (types of) Items or Processes on which the Action is applied. Both can be identified by an ID while the Item may be the JSON representation of the Item.
S-Complements One or more (types of) Items or Processes participating in the execution of the Action at the S-Process side.
Action One of the standard Actions.
D-Process The (type of) Process to which the Process Action is directed. In some cases, D-Process may concide with S-Process.
D-Complements One or more (types of) Items or Processes participating in the execution of the Action at the Destination side.
OutRights Rights on the OutItem the S-Process requests to D-Process.
OutItem The (types of) Item produced by the Process Action.

3      Syntax


4      Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes Header of Rules Item.
– Standard – Rules 9 Bytes The characters “MMM-RUL-V”.
–  Version N2 Bytes Major version expressed as 1 or 2 characters.
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Byte Minor version expressed as 1 or 2 characters
MInstanceID N4 Bytes Identifier of M-Instance.
MEnvironmentID N5 Bytes Identifier of M-Environment.
RulesID N6 Bytes The ID of the Rules
RulesData[] N7 Bytes The set of Rules.
– May[] N8 Bytes One of May, May Not, Must
  – ProcessAction N9 Bytes As defined by Functional Requirements.
– MayNot N10 Bytes As defined by Functional Requirements.
  – ProcessAction N11 Bytes As defined by Functional Requirements.
– Must N12 Bytes As defined by Functional Requirements.
  – ProcessAction N3 Byte As defined by Functional Requirements.
DescrMetadata N14 Bytes Descriptive Metadata.