1. Definitions

A Data Type that includies Avatar ID, Time, Audio-Visual Scene Descriptors, Spatial Attitude, Avatar Model, Body Descriptors, Face Descriptors, Language Preference, Speech Data Format, Speech Data, Text, and Personal Status.

2. Functional Requirements of Portable Avatar

Portable Avatar provides the following information:

  1. The ID of the Virtual Space
  2. The set of Data characterising a speaking Avatar.
    1. The Audio-Visual Scene that includes the Avatar.
    2. The Spatial Attitude and the Time the Avatar is in the Audio-Visual Scene.
    3. The Language Preference of the Avatar.
    4. The Text the Avatar will convert into a Speech Object.
    5. The Neural Network Model used to synthesise Text.
    6. The Speech Object the Avatar utters.
    7. The Personal Status of the Avatar.

3. Syntax of Portable Avatar


4. Semantics of Portable Avatar

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes The Header of the Portable Avatar Data.
– Standard 9 Bytes The characters “PAF-PAV-V”
– Version N2 Bytes Major version
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Byte Minor version
PortableAvatarID N4 Bytes Identifier of Portable Avatar instance.
AvatarData N5 Bytes Set of Data related to Avatar
– AvatarModel N7 Bytes Model of Avatar.
– BodyDescriptors N8 Bytes Avatar Body Descriptors.
– FaceDescriptors N9 Bytes Avatar Face Descriptors of Avatar.
– PortableAvatarSpaceTime N6 Bytes Space-Time of Avatar instance in AV Scene.
AudioVisualScene N7 Bytes Set of Data related to AV Scene.
– AudioVisualSceneDescriptors N8 Bytes AV Scene Descriptors.
– AudioVisualSceneSpaceTime N9 Bytes Space and Time info of AV Scene in M-instance.
LanguagePreference N16 Bytes Avatar’s Language Preference.
SpeechObject N11 Bytes Set of Data related to Speech Object.
TextObject N22 Bytes Text associated to Avatar.
PersonalStatus N23 Bytes Personal Status of Avatar.
DescrMetadata N24 Bytes Descriptive Metadata