MPAI-TFA specifies Data Type Qualifiers defined as the set of a Data Type’s Sub-Types, Formats, and Attributes for unified use across MPAI Technical Specifications.

MPAI-TFA V1.0 specifies Qualifiers for “media” Data Types (Text, Speech, Audio, and Visual). Existing Qualifiers will be extended and Qualifiers for new Data Types added.

What MPAI-TFA is about


The capabilities of the MPAI-TFA V1.0 standard will be presented online on  August 27 at T14:00 UTC. To attend, please register at

MPAI thanks Seunggeun Baek, Marina Bosi, Andrea Bottino, Miran Choi, Mert Burkay Çöteli, Gérard Chollet, Alessandro D’Amelio, Hüseyin Hacıhabiboğlu, Marian Alexandru Ilies, Mark Seligman, and Jaime Yoon who participated in the development of MPAI-TFA V1.0.