1 Definition | 2 Functional Requirements | 3 Syntax | 4 Semantics |
1 Definition
ECG Qualifier is a set of Data providing additional information on ECG Data for potential use by a machine.
ECG Object is specified by AIH-HSP V1.0.
2 Functional Requirements
ECG Qualifier must allow the expression of the following Elements:
- Sub-Type
- Format
- Attributes
Users needing support of other entries in MPAI-TFA should make a documented request to the MPAI Secretariat to consider addition of such entries.
3 Syntax
4 Semantics
- CPET (Cardiopulmonary exercise test)
- EKG-stress test (Exercise)
- EKG-12-lead (Resting)
- SAE (Signal-averaged electrocardiogram)
- HL7 (Health Level Seven)
- SCP-ECG (Standard Communications Protocol for Computer-Assisted Electrocardiography)
- DICOM-ECG (Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine)
- aECG (Annotated Electrocardiogram)
- ecgML (a markup language for electrocardiogram data acquisition and analysis)
- MFER (Medical Waveform Format Encoding Rules)
- Philips XML (eXtensible Markup Language),
- mECGML (mobile Electrocardiography Markup Language)
- ecgAware (an ECG markup language for ambulatory telemonitoring and decision-making support).