1 Definition 2 Functional Requirements 3 Syntax 4 Semantics

1      Definition

Machine Learning Model Qualifier is a set of Data providing additional information on a Machine Learning Model for potential use by a machine.

Machine Learning Model is specified by MMM-AIF V2.1.

2      Functional Requirements

Machine Learning Model Qualifier has the following functional requirements:

  1. Sub-Type
    1. MLModel Types
    2. NNModel Types
  2. Format
    1. Extension
    2. Framework
    3. Exchange
  3. Attributes
    1. Regulation
    2. Certification Type
    3. Validity

Users needing support of other entries in MPAI-TFA should make a documented request to the MPAI Secretariat to consider addition of such entries.

3     Syntax


4       Semantics

  1. Sub-Type

    1. Bayesian Classifier
    2. Neural Network
      1. Convolutional with residuals
      2. Convolutional without residuals
      3. Deconvolutional
      4. Eco-State Neural Network
      5. Feed Forward
      6. Modular
      7. Recurrent
      8. Transformer
    3. Random Forest
    4. Support Vector Machine
    5. XG-Boost
  2. Format

    1. Extension
      1. Engine
      2. H5
      3. Keras
      4. Mlmodel
      5. Onnx
      6. Pd
      7. Pkl
      8. Pt
      9. Pth
      10. Tflite
    2. Framework
      1. ai
      2. Caffe
      3. CNTK
      4. Keras
      5. MxNet
      6. PyTorch
      7. Scikit-Learn
      8. TensorFlow
    3. Exchange
      1. ONNX
      2. NNEF
  3. Attributes

    1. Regulations
      1. AI Act
      2. CAIO
      3. Data Act
      4. Data Governance Act
      5. EBSI
      6. GDPR
    2. Certification Type
      1. Bylaw
      2. Sandbox
    3. Validity (Time)