1 Definition | 2 Functional Requirements | 3 Syntax | 4 Semantics |
1 Definition
Offline Map Qualifier is a set of Data providing additional information on Offline Map Data for potential use by a machine.
The Offline Map Object is specified by CAV-TEC V1.0.
2 Functional Requirements
Offline Map Qualifier must allow the expression of the following Elements:
- Sub-Type
- Format
- Attributes
Users needing support of new Qualifiers of additional entries in the existing Qualifiers should make a documented request to the MPAI Secretariat. Requests will be considered by the appropriate MPAI committee.
3 Syntax
4 Semantics
- GML (Geography Markup Language)
- GPX (GPS eXchange Format)
- KML (Google Keyhole Markup Language)
- KMZ (Google Keyhole Markup Language)
- MMPK (Mobile map package)
- OSM (Open Street Map
- SHP (Shapefile)
- TPK (Tile package)
- VTPK (Vector tile package)