1 Definition 2 Functional Requirements 3 Syntax 4 Semantics

1 Definition

Offline Map Qualifier is a set of Data providing additional information on Offline Map Data for potential use by a machine.

The Offline Map Object is specified by CAV-TEC V1.0.

2 Functional Requirements

Offline Map Qualifier must allow the expression of the following Elements:

  1. Sub-Type
  2. Format
  3. Attributes

Users needing support of new Qualifiers of additional entries in the existing Qualifiers should make a documented request to the MPAI Secretariat. Requests will be considered by the appropriate MPAI committee.

3 Syntax


4 Semantics

  1. Sub-Types

  2. Formats

    1. GeoJSON
    2. GML (Geography Markup Language)
    3. GPX (GPS eXchange Format)
    4. KML (Google Keyhole Markup Language)
    5. KMZ (Google Keyhole Markup Language)
    6. MMPK (Mobile map package)
    7. OSM (Open Street Map
    8. SHP (Shapefile)
    9. TPK (Tile package)
    10. VTPK (Vector tile package)
  3. Attributes

5 References