1    Function

Audio Analysis Transform (CAE-AAT):

Receives Multichannel Audio (Transform Format)
Transforms Multichannel Audio into frequency bands via a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The following operations are carried out in discrete frequency bands. When such a configuration is used, a 50% overlap between subsequent audio blocks needs to be employed. The output is a data structure comprising complex valued audio samples in the frequency domain.
Determines Audio Objects’ Spatial Attitudes
Produces Audio Spatial Attitudes

2     Reference Architecture

Figure 1 depicts the Reference Architecture of the Audio Analysis Transform (CAE-AAT) AIM.

Figure 1 – Audio Analysis Transform (CAE-AAT) AIM

3    I/O Data

Table 9 specifies the Input and Output Data of the Audio Analysis Transform (CAE-AAT) AIM.

Table 9 – Audio Analysis Transform (CAE-AAT) AIM

Input Description
Multichannel Audio Multichannel Audio (with associate Microphone Array info)
Output Description
Multichannel Audio (Trf) The result of the application of the Fast Fourier Transform to the Multichannel Audio.

4    SubAIMs

No SubAIMs.

5. JSON Syntax


6     Profiles

No Profiles