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MPAI, Moving Picture, Audio, and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence – the international, unaffiliated, non-profit organisation developing standards for AI-based data coding – addresses the needs for Metaverse standards by developing technical documents – Technical Reports and Specifications.

So far, MPAI has reached two milestones in its roadmap to metaverse interoperability by developing two Technical Reports:

Technical Report: MPAI Metaverse Model (MPAI-MMM) – Functionalities [1] has introduced the following elements:

  1. A set of definitions.
  2. A set of assumptions, the most important of which are that metaverse:
    • Is a broad notion that may be used by different industries for different purposes.
    • Needs technologies, some of which do not even exist with satisfactory performance.
    • The notion of profile may help improve interoperability.
  3. A collection of high-level use cases.
  4. A collection of exemplary service providers.
  5. An organised set of ~150 Functionalities.
  6. A review of the main metaverse-enabling technologies.
  7. An analysis of the governance needs.
  8. The roadmap to metaverse standardisation.

Therefore, the Technical Report lays down the foundations of the MPAI metaverse standardisation effort: concentrate first on the identification and characterisation of the Functionalities that users expect the metaverse to provide.

Technical Report: MPAI Metaverse Model (MPAI-MMM) – Functionality Profiles [2] has introduced the following elements:

  1. A revised and extended list of definitions.
  2. A functional operation model of the metaverse based on the notion of Processes performing or requesting other Processes to perform Actions on Items.
  3. A specification of a first set of Actions, Items, and Data Types to enable:
    • The fine description of Use Cases using Actions, Items, and Data Types.
    • The definition of Functionality Profiles, i.e., subsets of Actions, Items, and Data Types that satisfy a selected subset of identified Functionalities.
  4. A collection of representative use cases tested against the functional operation model.
  5. Four initial Functionality Profiles.

The third milestone of the MPAI roadmap is intends now to develop Technical Specification: MPAI Metaverse Model (MPAI-MMM) – Architecture. To reach that milestone, MPAI has developed this document Use Cases and Functional Requirements: MPAI Metaverse Model – Architecture, one of the attachments to the MPAI-MMM Architecture Call for Technologies [4]. It contains the following Chapters:

  • Chapter 2 – Use Cases referencing Chapter 4 Use Cases of [1] and Chapter 8 of [2].
  • Chapter 3 – Functionalities of the MPAI-MMM Architecture.
  • Chapter 4 – Functional Requirements of the MPAI-MMM Architecture elements.
  • Chapter 5 – Summary of the items addressed by the Call for Technologies [4].

In this document, word beginning with a capital letter have the meaning defined in Annex 1 – Terms and Definitions and words beginning with a small letter have the prevalent meaning of the context.

For clarifications about this document and the MPAI-MMM Architecture Call for Technologies, please contact the MPAI Secretariat.

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