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1. Technical Specification 2. Conformance Testing 3. Performance Assessment

1. Technical Specifications

Table 1 provides the links to the specifications and the JSON syntax of all AIMs specified by Technical Specification: Object and Scene Description (MPAI-OSD) V1.2. All previously specified MPAI-OSD AI-Modules are superseded by those specified by V1.2 but may still be used by explicitly signaling their version. AI Modules in bold are Composite.

Table 1 – Specifications and JSON syntax of AIMs used by MPAI-OSD V1.2

AIMs Name and Specification JSON AIMs Name and Specification JSON
OSD-AVA Audio-Visual Alignment X OSD-VBD Visual Basic Scene Description X
OSD-ABS Audio-Visual Basic Scene Description X OSD-VCD Visual Change Detection X
OSD-AVE Audio-Visual Event Description X OSD-VDI Visual Direction Identification X
OSD-SDX Audio-Visual Scene Demultiplexing X OSD-VII Visual Instance Identification X
OSD-AVS Audio-Visual Scene Description X OSD-VOE Visual Object Extraction X
OSD-SMX Audio-Visual Scene Multiplexing X OSD-VOI Visual Object Identification X
OSD-DVI Direct Visual Identification X OSD-VSD Visual Scene Description X
OSD-TVS Television Splitting X

2. Conformance Testing

An implementation of an AI Module Conforms with this Technical Specification if its input and output Data and/or Data Objects Conform with the Data or Data Objects specified in this Technical Specification. Note that Data Object is defined as the combination of Data of a certain Data Type and its Qualifier.

The Conformance of a Data instance  is to be expressed by a sentence like “Data validates against the Data Type Schema”. This means that:

  • Any Data Sub-Type is as indicated in the Qualifier.
  • The Data Format is indicated by the Qualifier.
  • Any File and/or Stream have the Formats indicated by the Qualifier.
  • Any Attribute of the Data is of the type or validates against the Schema specified in the Qualifier.

3. Performance Assessment

Performance Assessment provides methods of assessing the performance of an AIM. Performance may have various connotations, such as:

  1. Quality: Performance Assessment measures how well an AIM performs its function, using a metric that depends on the nature of the function, e.g., how well a Visual Change Detection (VCD) AIM can detect the change of a visual scene.
  2. Bias: Performance Assessment measures the preference given by an AIM to certain elements, using a metric that depends on a bias related to certain attributes of the AIM. For instance, a Visual Instance Identification (VII) AIM tends to have a higher correct identification of visual objects that have a certain shape.
  3. Legal compliance: Performance Assessment measures how well an AIM performs its function, using a metric that assesses its accordance with a certain legal standard.

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