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1 Function 2 Reference Model 3 Input/Output Data
4 SubAIMs 5 JSON Metadata 6 Profiles
7 Reference Software 8 Conformance Texting 9 Performance Assessment

1 Functions

Audio-Visual Scene Multiplexing (OSD-SMX) produces Audio-Visual Scene Descriptors by combining Speech, Audio, and Visual Objects and Scene Geometries:

Receives Space-Time
Speech Objects
Audio Objects
Visual Objects
Speech Scene Geometry
Audio Scene Geometry
Visual Scene Geometry
Produces Audio-Visual Scene Descriptors

2 Reference Model

Figure 1 specifies the Reference Model of the Audio-Visual Scene Multiplexing (OSD-SMX) AIM.

Figure 1 – The Audio-Visual Scene Multiplexing (OSD-SMX) AIM Reference Model

3 Input/Output Data

Table 13 specifies the Input and Output Data of the Audio-Visual Scene Multiplexing (OSD-SMX).

Table 13 – I/O Data of the Audio-Visual Scene Multiplexing (OSD-SMX) AIM

Input Description
Space-Time The Space-Time information.
Speech Object The Speech Objects of the Scene.
Audio Object The Audio Objects of the Scene.
Visual Object The Visual Objects of the Scene.
Speech Scene Geometry The Geometry of the Audio, Visual, Audio-Visual Objects of the Scene.
Audio Scene Geometry The Geometry of the Audio, Visual, Audio-Visual Objects of the Scene.
Visual Scene Geometry The Geometry of the Audio, Visual, Audio-Visual Objects of the Scene.
Output Description
Audio-Visual Scene Descriptors The combination of the Audio, Visual, and Audio-Visual Objects, and the Geometry of the Objects of the Scene.

4 SubAIMs

No SubAIMs.

5 JSON Metadata


6 Profiles

No Profiles.

7 Reference Software

8 Conformance Testing

Table 2 provides the Conformance Testing Method for OSD-SMX AIM.

If a schema contains references to other schemas, conformance of data for the primary schema implies that any data referencing a secondary schema shall also validate against the relevant schema, if present and conform with the Qualifier, if present.

Table 2 – Conformance Testing Method for OSD-SMX AIM

Receives SpaceTime Shall validate against Space-Time schema.
Speech Objects Shall validate against Speech Objects schema.
Speech Data shall conform with Qualifier.
Audio Objects Shall validate against Audio Objects schema.
Audio Data shall conform with Qualifier.
Visual Objects Shall validate against Visual Objects schema.
Visual Data shall conform with Qualifier.
Speech Scene Geometry Shall validate against Speech Scene Geometry schema.
Audio Scene Geometry Shall validate against Audio Scene Geometry schema.
Visual Scene Geometry Shall validate against Visual Scene Geometry schema.
Produces Audio-Visual Scene Descriptors Shall validate against AV Scene Descriptors schema.

9 Performance Assessment

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