Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding
by Artificial Intelligence

1   Definition

The digital representation of an input text as syntactic and semantic information.

2   Functional Requirements

Meaning is used to extract information from text to help the Entity Dialogue Processing AIM to produce a response.

3   Syntax

4   Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes
·         Standard 9 Bytes The characters “MMC-TXD-V”
·         Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 characters
·         Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
·         Subversion N3 Bytes Minor version – 1 or 2 characters
MInstanceID N4 Bytes Identifier of M-Instance.
TextDescriptors N5 Bytes Identifier of the AV Object.
·         POS_tagging N6 Bytes Results of POS (Part of Speech, e.g., noun, verb, etc.) tagging including information on the question’s POS tagging set and tagged results.
·         NE_tagging N7 Bytes Results of NE (Named Entity e.g., Person, Organisation, Fruit, etc.) tagging results including information on the question’s tagging set and tagged results.
·         Dependency_tagging N8 Bytes Results of dependency (structure of the sentence, e.g., subject, object, head of relation, etc.) tagging including information on the question’s dependency tagging set and tagged results.
·         SRL_tagging N9 Bytes Results of SRL (Semantic Role Labelling) tagging results including information on the question’s SRL tagging set and tagged results. SRL indicates the semantic structure of the sentence such as agent, location, patient role, etc.
DesrMetadata N10 Bytes Descriptive Metadata

5   Data Formats

Text Descriptors as Meaning specified above are a format for a specific type of Descriptors.

6   To Respondents

Respondents are invited to:

  1. Comment or elaborate on the MPAI specification of Text Descriptors as Meaning.
  2. Propose extensions to it or a new specification.