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1     Introduction 2      Profile structure 3      Baseline Profile
4      Finance Profile 5      Management Profile 6      High Profile

1    Introduction

Profiles define groups of Items, Actions, and Basic Data that serve specific application areas while providing a level of Interoperability with Profiles defined for other application areas.

Table 1 lists the currently identified Actions, Items and Data Types supported by a Profile. Cells with text in italic indicate a classification of Items, Action, and Data Types.

Table 1 – Classified Actions, Items, and Data Types

Items Actions Data Types
General Items General Actions For location and time
M-Instance Register Address
M-Capabilities Change Coordinates
M-Environment Hide Map
Identifier Authenticate Orientation
Rules Identify Point of View
Rights Modify Position
Program Validate Spatial Attitude
Contract Request Time
Human and User-related Items Respond For Transactions
Account Execute Amount
Activity Data Call a Service Currency
Personal Profile Author For internal state
Social Graph Discover Cognitive State
Personal Data Inform Emotion
Items for Process Interaction Interpret Social Attitude
Message Post Personal Status
P-Capabilities Transact
Items for Service access Convert
AuthenticateIn Resolve
AuthenticateOut Manage Entities (MM)
DiscoverIn MM-Add
DiscoverOut MM-Animate
InformIn MM-Disable
InformOut MM-Embed
InterpretIn MM-Enable
InterpretOut MM-Send
Finance-related Items Manage Entities (MU)
Asset MU-Actuate
Ledger MU-Render
Provenance MU-Send
Transaction Track
Value Manage Entities (UM)
Wallet UM-Animate
Perception-related Items UM-Capture
Event UM-Render
Experience UM-Send
Space-related Items

2       Profile structure

The current features MPAI Metaverse Model – Architecture Profiles are:

  1. Identified Profiles are Baseline, Management, Finance, and High.
  2. The High Profile includes the Management Profile that includes the Baseline and Finance Profiles.
  3. The Profile structure includes hierarchical Profiles and one independent Profile.
  4. The Baseline, Management, and High Profiles have Levels, currently identified as: Audio only, Audio-Visual, and Audio-Visual-Haptic. The Finance Profile does not have Levels.

This is depicted in Figure 1. The next Sections provide additional details.

Figure 1 – The Functional Profiles of MPAI-MMM – Architecture V1.1

Each Profile allocates the supported Actions, Items, and Data Types. While the identified four Profiles serve well the needs conveyed by the identified Functionalities, the consideration of more Functionalities in the future may lead to an increased number of Profiles and potentially Levels.

3       Baseline Profile

The Baseline Profile enables a human equipped with a Device supporting the Baseline Profile to allow their Users to perform the functions of Table 2. Currently, this Profile has the following Levels: Audio only; Audio-Visual; and Audio-Visual-Haptic.

Table 2 – Functions, Actions, and Items of the Baseline Profile

Functions Action Items
Read Items and Data UM-Send Item
Identify Item Identify Item, Identifier
Author Entity Author Item
Place Entity at an MLoc without perception MM-Add Entity, MLoc
Make an MM-Added Entity perceptible MM-Enable Entity
Place an Entity at MLoc, with perception MM-Embed Entity, MLoc
Stop perception of Scene MM-Disable Entity, MLoc
Make available an Object to a User MM-Send Entity
Render at ULoc an Entity at MLoc MU-Render Entity, MLoc, ULoc
Make scene at ULoc available to a Device UM-Capture ULoc
Make Data of a Device available to a Process UM-Send Device, Process
Transfer Data between Processes MM-Send Message
Animate Model @MLoc w/ Data from ULoc UM-Animate Model, ULoc
Place Entity @ MLoc UM-Render Entity, MLoc, ULoc
Send an Entity at an MLoc to a Device MM-Send Entity, Device, MLoc
Place, Animate, and Render Model at MLoc Track Model, Stream
Store Item MU-Send Item

Roughly speaking, this Profile supports applications in a basic form for e.g., lecture, meeting, hang-out.

Table 3 lists the Actions, Entities, and Data Types of the Baseline Functionality Profile.

Table 3 – Actions, Entities, and Data Types of the Baseline Profile

Actions Author Identify MM-Add MM-Embed
MM-Disable MM-Enable MM-Send MU-Actuate
MU-Render MU-Send Track UM-Animate
UM-Capture UM-Render UM-Send
Items Identifier Message M-Instance M-Location
Model Object Scene Stream
Data Types Address Coordinates Orientation Position
Spatial Attitude

4       Finance Profile

The Finance Profile enables a human equipped with a Device supporting the Baseline Profile to allow their Users to perform the functions of Table 4. The Finance Profile enables a User to Post Assets and make Transactions. As depicted in Figure 4, this Profile is independent of the Basic Profile. The Financial Profile shares some technologies with the Baseline Profile, but the Finance Profile introduces technologies and does not support other Basic Profile technologies. Currently, this Profile does not have Levels.

Table 4 – Functions, Actions, and Items of the Finance Profile

Functions Action Items
Register Register M-Environment, Account, Activity Data, Personal Profile, Rules, Social Graph
Check that an Item is what it says it is Authenticate Item
Make Item inaccessible Hide Item
Modify Item into Asset Modify Item
Submit Asset to marketplace Post Asset
Make a Transaction of an Asset Transact Asset, Ledger, Provenance, Rights,
Transactions, Value, Wallet
Discover Assets Discover DiscoverIn, DiscoverOut
Get information on Asset, User Inform InformIn, InformOut
Change User Rights Change Rights

Table 5 lists the Actions, Items, and Data Types of the Finance Profile.

Table 5 – Actions, Items, and Data Types of the Finance Profile

Actions Authenticate Author Change Discover
Hide Identify Inform MM-Add
MM-Disable MM-Embed MM-Enable MM-Send
Modify MU-Actuate MU-Render MU-Send
Post Register Transact UM-Capture
UM-Render UM-Send
Items Account Activity Data Asset Identifier
Ledger Map M-Environment Message
M-Instance M-Location Model Object
Personal Profile Provenance AuthenticateIn AuthenticateOut
DiscoverIn DiscoverOut InformIn InformOut
Rights Rules Scene Social Graph
Stream Transaction U-Location Personal Data
Value Wallet
Data Types Address Amount Coordinates Currency
  Orientation Position Spatial Attitude Time

5       Management Profile

The Management Profile enables a controlled ecosystem by supporting all Actions, Items, and Data Types of the Baseline and the Finance Profiles in addition to some others of its own. It enables a human equipped with a Device supporting the Management Profile to allow their Users to perform the functions of Table 6. As depicted in Figure 4 the Management Profile is a superset of the Baseline and Finance Profiles. Currently, this Profile has the following Levels: Audio; Audio-Visual; and Audio-Visual-Haptic.

Table 6 – Functions, Actions, and Items of the Management Profile

Functions Actions Items
Register with an M-Environment (Register) M-Environment
Make Item inaccessible Hide Item
Animate Model with an autonomous Process MM-Animate Model
App triggers perception of Entities UM-Send Map, Message
Request interpretation of Item Interpret InterpretIn, InterpretOut
Save an Experience of an Event MU-Export Interaction, Experience, Event
Convert formats Convert

Table 7 lists the Actions, Entities, and Data Types required by the Management Profile.

Table 7 –Actions, Item, and Data Types of Management Profile

Actions Authenticate Author Change Discover
Hide Identify Inform Interpret
MM-Add MM-Animate MM-Disable MM-Embed
MM-Enable MM-Send Modify MU-Actuate
MU-Render MU-Send Post Register
Track Transact UM-Animate UM-Capture
UM-Render UM-Send
Items Account Activity Data Asset AuthenticateIn
AuthenticateOut DiscoverIn DiscoverOut Event
Experience Identifier InformIn InformOut
Interaction InterpretIn InterpretOut Ledger
Map M-Environment Message M-Instance
M-Location Model Object Personal Profile
Provenance Rights Rules Scene
Social Graph Stream Summary Transaction
U-Location Value Wallet
Data Types Address Amount Cognitive State Coordinates
  Currency Emotion Map Orientation
  Personal Status Point of View Position Social Attitude
  Spatial Attitude Time

6      High Profile

This Profile includes all other Profiles. Table 8 gives the list of Actions, Items and Data Types not included in the Management Profile.  Currently, this Profile has the following Levels: Audio; Audio-Visual; and Audio-Visual-Haptic.

Table 8 – Actions, Items, and Data Types of High Profile not in the Management Profile

Actions Convert Execute Resolve Validate
Item Contract M-Capabilities P-Capabilities Program
Data Types


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