1. Definition | 2. Functional Requirements | 3. Syntax | 4. Semantics |
1 Definition
An Object that can be used to spawn other Objects, e.g., by animating them.
2 Functional Requirements
A Model includes the ID and the Qualifier of the Data Type of which the Model is an instance.
A Model of a human is called Persona and may:
- Faithfully reproduce the visual appearance of the human.
- Have their visual appearance altered, compared to that of the human.
- Have an unrelated visual appearance.
- Display a presumptive Personal Status in speech, face, and gesture.
- Be driven by
- The movements of the human.
- A Process.
3 Syntax
4 Semantics
Label | Size | Description |
Header | N1 Bytes | Model Header |
– Standard-Model | 9 Bytes | The characters “PAF-MDL-V”. |
– Version | N2 Byte | Major version – 1 or 2 Bytes. |
– Dot-separator | 1 Byte | The character “.” |
– Subversion | N3 Bytes | Minor version – 1 or 2 Bytes. |
MInstanceID | N4 Bytes | Identifier of M-Instance. |
ModelID | N5 Bytes | Identifier of the Model. |
ModelSpaceTime | N6 Bytes | Space-Time of Model. |
ModelDataQualifier | N7 Bytes | Qualifier of Model. |
ModelDataLength | N8 Bytes | Number of Bytes in Model. |
ModelDataURI | N9 Bytes | URI of Data of Model. |
DescrMetadata | N10 Bytes | Descriptive Metadata. |