1        Definition

A Data Type representing an abridged outline of the utterance(s) of one or more Users represented as User ID,  Space-Time, Text and Personal Statuses.

2       Functional Requirements

Summary includes:

  1. Virtual Space where Summary was generated  (M-Instance).
  2. Space-Time information in the Virtual Instance.
  3. Content
    1. Text
    2. Space-Time information of the Entity the Text refers to.
    3. Personal Status of the Entity the Text refers to.

3        Syntax


4        Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes Summary Header
– Standard-Item 9 Bytes The characters “MMC-SUM-V”
– Version N2 Byte Major version – 1 or 2 Bytes
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Bytes Minor version – 1 or 2 Bytes
MInstanceID N4 Bytes Identifier of M-Instance.
SummaryID N5 Bytes Identifier of the Summary.
SummarySpaceTime N6 Bytes Space-Time of Summary.
SummaryPayload[] N7 Bytes Payload of Summary
ReportedEntityID N8 Bytes ID of the Entity Reported in Summary
ReportedEntityPersonalStatus N9 Bytes Personal Status of Entity Reported in Summary
ReportedEntitySpaceTime N10 Bytes TimeSpace info of Entity Reported in Summary
ReportedEntityTextObject N11 Bytes TextObject of Entity Reported in Summary
SummaryData N12 Bytes Data associated with Summary.
– SummaryQualifier N13 Bytes Summary Format Identifier
– SummaryPayload N14 Bytes Data of Summary
  – SummaryPayloadLength N15 Bytes Number of Bytes in Summary
  – SummaryPayloadURI N16 Bytes URI of Data of Summary
DescrMetadata N17 Bytes Descriptive Metadata