This is the public page of XR Venues (MPAI-XRV) standard. See MPAI-XRV homepage.
MPAI-XRV is an MPAI project addressing a multiplicity of use cases enabled by AR/VR/MR (XR) and enhanced by Artificial Intelligence technologies. The word venue is used as a synonym to Environment, both real and virtual.
MPAI has issued a Call for Technologies for the Live Theatrical Stage Performance Use Case.
The Use Cases addressed by the Call is describes by the MPAI-XRV – :ive THeatrical Stage Performance Reference Model:
The Call requests proposals for the following Technologies:
- Scene Descriptors
- Participant Descriptors
- Participant Status
- Script
- Cue point
- Interpreted Operator Control
- Action Descriptors
- Real Experience Generation
- Lighting
- FX (Effects)
- Audio-Visual (A/V)
- Real Experience Venue specification
- Virtual Experience Generation
- Virtual Experience Descriptors
- Audio-Visual (A/V)
- Virtual Experience Venue specification
The general goals of the MPAI-XRV project are:
- To identify and characterise AI Modules (AIMs) re-usable across use cases.
- To develop requirements for the AI Workflows (AIWs) implementing the identified use cases and for AIM functions and input/output data.
- To draft and publish Calls for Technologies satisfying the identified functional requirements and the commercial requirements.
- To specify the enabling technologies in a series of MPAI standard.
If you wish to participate in this work you have the following options
- Join MPAI
- Actively participate in the reference software implementation by sending an email to the MPAI Secretariat.
- Keep an eye on this page.
Return to the MPAI-XRV page.