This is the public page of XR Venues (MPAI-XRV) standard. See MPAI-XRV homepage.

MPAI-XRV is an MPAI project addressing a multiplicity of use cases enabled by AR/VR/MR (XR) and enhanced by Artificial Intelligence technologies. The word venue is used as a synonym to Environment, both real and virtual.

MPAI has issued a Call for Technologies for the Live Theatrical Stage Performance Use Case.

The Use Cases addressed by the Call is describes by the MPAI-XRV – :ive THeatrical Stage Performance Reference Model:

The Call requests proposals for the following Technologies:

  1. Scene Descriptors
  2. Participant Descriptors
  3. Participant Status
  4. Script
  5. Cue point
  6. Interpreted Operator Control
  7. Action Descriptors
  8. Real Experience Generation
    1. Lighting
    2. FX (Effects)
    3. Audio-Visual (A/V)
  9. Real Experience Venue specification
    1. Virtual Experience Generation
    2. Virtual Experience Descriptors
    3. Audio-Visual (A/V)
  10. Virtual Experience Venue specification

The general goals of the MPAI-XRV project are:

  1. To identify and characterise AI Modules (AIMs) re-usable across use cases.
  2. To develop requirements for the AI Workflows (AIWs) implementing the identified use cases and for AIM functions and input/output data.
  3. To draft and publish Calls for Technologies satisfying the identified functional requirements and the commercial requirements.
  4. To specify the enabling technologies in a series of MPAI standard.

If you wish to participate in this work you have the following options

  1. Join MPAI
  2. Actively participate in the reference software implementation by sending an email to the MPAI Secretariat.
  3. Keep an eye on this page.

Return to the MPAI-XRV page.