<–Conclusions Go to ToC MPAI Basics->
1. MPAI; Technical Report – MPAI Metaverse Model – Functionalities (MPAI-MMM); January 2023; https://mpai.community/standards/mpai-mmm/mpai-metaverse-model/mmm-functionalities/
2. Matt White; Synthetic Reality: AI and the Metaverse; 2023 February 16; https://matthewdwhite.medium.com/synthetic-reality-ai-and-the-metaverse-5c2acf5a3fe6
3. ISO; ISO/IEC 23005 – Media context and control.
4. MPAI; Technical Specification: The Governance of the MPAI Ecosystem V1, 2021; https://mpai.community/standards/resources/#GME.
5. MPAI; Technical Specification: Artificial Intelligence Framework (MPAI-AIF) V1.1; https://mpai.community/standards/resources/#AIF. Also available as IEEE Standard 3301-2022.