<– Functional Requirements of Actions Go to ToC Use Cases (Informative)–>
For location and time information | For Transactions | For internal state information |
10.1 For location and time information
10.1.1 Address
Purpose | The URL of a storage facility. |
Functional Requirements | A URL |
10.1.2 Coordinates
Purpose | A set of numbers representing a Position in a Metaverse Environment using a coordinate system. |
Functional Requirements | Coordinates shall be able to uniquely indicate a point in the space measured by a coordinate system. |
10.1.3 Orientation
Purpose | The set of the 3 roll, pitch, yaw angles indicating the rotation around the principal axis (x) of an Object, its y axis having an angle of 90˚ counterclockwise (right-to-left) with the x axis and its z axis (pointing up toward a User viewing from above). |
Functional Requirements | Orientation is expressed as an array of 3 rows and 3 columns:
α,β,γ (roll, pitch, and yaw) 1st order time derivatives of α,β,γ 2nd order time derivatives of α,β,γ |
10.1.4 Point of View
Purpose | The Spatial Attitude of a Persona watching an Environment. |
Functional Requirements | Point of View shall express the Position of a Persona with the Orientation of the Persona watching an Environment. |
10.1.5 Position
Purpose | The Coordinates of a point in a Metaverse Environment using a Coordinate system. |
Functional Requirements | Position is expressed as an array of 3 rows and 3 columns:
x,y,z 1st order time derivatives of x,y,z 2nd order time derivatives of x,y,z |
10.1.6 Spatial Attitude
Purpose | The Position and Orientation of an Entity, and their velocities and accelerations. |
Functional Requirements | Spatial Attitude is expressed as an array of 6 rows and 3 columns:
x,y,z 1st order time derivatives of x,y,z 2nd order time derivatives of x,y,z α,β,γ (roll, pitch, and roll) 1st order time derivatives of α,β,γ 2nd order time derivatives of α,β,γ |
10.1.7 Time
Purpose | The representation of the measure of time. |
Functional Requirements | Time shall be able to express any value of time on the time axis. |
10.2 For Transactions
10.2.1 Amount
Purpose | A number expressing a Value in a Currency. |
Functional Requirements | The ability to express an Amount, e.g., a decimal number. |
10.2.2 Currency
Purpose | A medium of exchange enabling Transactions in a Metaverse Environment. |
Functional Requirements | Currency shall express an entry in a standard list of Currencies. |
10.3 For internal state information
10.3.1 Cognitive State
Purpose | The representation of a User’s Personal Status that reflects the way they understand the Environment, such as “Confused”, “Dubious”, “Convinced”. |
Functional Requirements | The ability to express a particular Cognitive State, e.g., with a label from a dictionary of Cognitive States. |
10.3.2 Emotion
Purpose | The representation of a User’s Personal Status that results from their interaction with an Environment, such as “Angry”, “Sad”, “Determined”. |
Functional Requirements | The ability to express a particular Emotion, e.g., with a label from a dictionary of Emotions. |
10.3.3 Social Attitude
Purpose | The representation of a User’s Personal Status representing the way User intends to position vis-à-vis other Users, e.g., “Respectful”, “Confrontational”, “Soothing”. |
Functional Requirements | A particular Social Attitude is expressed by a label from a dictionary of Social Attitudes. |
10.3.4 Personal Status
Purpose | The representation of the information internal to a User characterising their behaviour. |
Functional Requirements | Personal Status may include any of Cognitive State, Emotion, and Social Attitude or none at all. |
<– Functional Requirements of Actions Go to ToC Use Cases (Informative)–>