1       Definition

Data produced by a “time-of-flight”-based active sensor called Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) able to measure the distance and speed of objects from the time it takes for a signal emitted by the sensor to hit an object and be reflected.

2       Functional Requirements

Produces the distance of a voxel from the sensor, its grayscale by the intensity variation of the reflected light, its colour by using more than one wavelength, its velocity by using the Doppler shift in frequency caused by motion, or by taking the position at different times with an angular resolution ~0.1º vertical and ~1º horizontal with a maximum field capture ~40º vertical.

3       Syntax


4       Semantics

Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes Input LiDAR Header
– Standard 9 Bytes The characters “CAV-ILI-V”
– Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 characters
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Byte Minor version – 1 or 2 characters
MInstanceID N4 Bytes ID of the Virtual Space.
InputLiDARID N5 Bytes ID of Input LiDAR.
LiDARSensorID N6 Bytes ID of LiDAR Sensor.
InputLiDARData Ny Bytes Set of Input LiDAR Data
– InputLiDARQualifier N12 Bytes The Qualifier of Input LiDAR
– InputLiDARPayload N13 Bytes The Payload of Input LiDAR
– InputLiDARDataLength N14 Bytes The Length of Input LiDAR Data in Bytes
– InputLiDARDataURI N15 Bytes URI of Input LiDAR Data
DescrMetadata N16 Bytes Descriptive Metadata


Label Size Description
Header N1 Bytes Input LiDAR Header
– Standard 9 Bytes The characters “CAV-ILI-V”
– Version N2 Bytes Major version – 1 or 2 Bytes
– Dot-separator 1 Byte The character “.”
– Subversion N3 Bytes Minor version – 1 or 2 Bytes.
InputLiDARID N4 Bytes Identifier of LiDAR Sensor.
LiDARSensorID N5 Bytes IS of LiDAR Sensor
InputLiDARTimeSpace N6 Bytes Space and Time of Input LiDAR Data.
InputLiDARData N7 Bytes Set of Input LiDAR Data
– InputLiDARFormatID N6 Bytes Format ID of Input LiDAR Data.
– InputLiDARDataLength N9 Bytes Data Length of Input LiDAR Data in Bytes.
– InputLiDARDataURI N10 Bytes Location of Input LiDAR Data.
InputLiDARAttributes[] N11 Bytes Set of Input LiDAR Data Attributes
– InputLiDARAttributeID N12 Bytes ID of Attribute of Input LiDAR Data
– LiDARAttributeFormatID N13 Bytes ID of Attribute Format of Input Audio Data
– InputLiDARAttributeLength N14 Bytes Number of Bytes in Input LiDAR Data
– InputLiDARAttributeDataURI N15 Bytes URI of Data of Input LiDAR Data

5       Data Formats

Input LiDAR requires LiDAR SubTypes, Formats, and Attributes.

6       To Respondents

Respondents are invited to:

  1. Comment or extend the functional requirements of the data produced by LiDAR sensors for indoor/outdoor (cabin) use.
  2. Propose SubTypes, Formats, and Attributes for use in the future Technical Specification: Data Types, Formats, and Attributes (MPAI-TFA).