<–Functional Requirements- General    Go to ToC      Functional Requirements- Items–>

4.2.1        General

Process is the basic building block of the MMM-Architecture and the Call for Technologies requests:

  1. Comments on or proposed revisions of Purpose, Functional Requirements, and Metadata of the currently identified Processes.
  2. Justified proposals for new Processes with a specification of Purpose, Functional Requirements, and Metadata having a level of detail comparable to the one provided by this document.
  3. In particular, comments are requested on the Functional Requirements of Processes.

4.2.2        App

Purpose An application-specific Program executed on a Device.
Functional Requirements The Manager of the M-Instance in which an App will be deployed may request that the Device be subject to certification.
AppID The ID of the App.
UserID The ID of the User having Rights to Act on the App.
InRightsID The ID of the User’s Rights to Act granted to the App.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights a User may acquire on the App.
DescrMdata Any description of the App.

4.2.3        Device

Purpose A Process able to:

1.      UM-Capture Data from a U-Location

2.      UM-Send Data and Metadata to a User.


1.      MM-Send an Entity from an M-Location to the Device.

2.      MU-Render an Entity at a U-Location.

Functional Requirements The Manager of the M-Instance in which a Device will be deployed may request that the Device be subject to certification.
DeviceID The ID of the Device.
UserID The ID of the User having Rights to Act on the Device.
InRightsID The ID of the User’s Rights to Act granted to the Device.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights a User may acquire on the Device.
DescrMdata Any description of Device.

4.2.4        Service

Purpose A Process that can be called to provide specific Functionalities.
Functional Requirements A Service may be:

1.      One of the Services natively supported by an M-Instance, or

2.      Subject to certification by the Manager of the M-Instance in which the Device will be deployed, or an entity delegated by them.

ServiceID The ID of the Service.
UserID The ID of the User having Rights to Act on the Service.
InRightsID The ID of the User’s Rights to Act granted to the Service.
OutRightsID The ID of the Rights to Act on the Service a User may acquire.
DescrMdata Any description of the Rights.

4.2.5        User

Purpose A Process representing a human that is UM-Animated by a Stream or MM-Animated by an autonomous agent.
Functional Requirements The Manager of the M-Instance in which a User will be deployed may request that the User be subject to certification.
UserID ID of User.
RightsID ID of Rights held by User
AccountIDs IDs of Accounts where the User can operate.
WalletIDs IDs of Wallets held by User.
UserDataID ID of User Data.
DescrMdata Any description of the User.

<–Functional Requirements- General    Go to ToC      Functional Requirements- Items–>