1     Functions

Speech Synthesis for Restoration (CAE-SSR)

Receives Text List
Speech Model
Produces Synthesised Speech

2      Reference Model

Figure 1 depicts the Reference Model of the Speech Synthesis for Restoration (CAE-SSR) AIM

Figure 1 – Reference Model of the Speech Synthesis for Restoration (CAE-SSR) AIM

3      Input/Output Data

Input data Semantics
Text List List of Text items to be converted into Speech.
Neural Network Speech Model A Neural Network Model trained on Speech Segments for Modelling and used to synthesise replacements for the entire Damaged Segment or Damaged Sections within it.
Output data Semantics
Synthesised Speech Speech synthesised by Neural Network Speech Model.

4      SubAIMs

No SubAIMs.

5      JSON Metadata


6     Profiles

No Profiles