Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding
by Artificial Intelligence

The MPAI Metaverse Model – Status Report

  1. Introduction

Many use the metaverse word with other people, but it is unlikely that they all mean the same. In general one can say that a metaverse instance is a rather complex communication and interaction environment with features, such as synchronous and persistent experiences and virtual reality features such as avatars that may or may not be controlled by humans or objects of the real world.

MPAI Metaverse Model – MPAI-MMM – is the MPAI project developing technical documents – so far Technical Specifications – that can be applied to as many kinds of metaverse instances as possible and enable varied metaverse implementations to interoperate.

The first document, Technical Report – MPAI Metaverse Model – Functionalities, collects the functionalities that potential metaverse users expect a metaverse instance to provide, rather than trying to define what the metaverse is. It includes definitions, assumptions guiding the project, potential sources of functionalities, an organised list of commented functionalities, and an analysis of some of the main technology areas underpinning the development of the metaverse.

The MPAI-MMM is based on the idea of using the notion of Profiles and Levels that digital media standardisation has successfully employed for three decades to cope with the wide variety of expected application domains. As some metaverse technologies are not yet available, the second document, Technical Report – MPAI Metaverse Model – Functionality Profiles, develops Functionality Profiles, a new notion in standardisation that defines profiles for what they do (“functionalities”) rather than for how they do it (“technologies”).

The second document reaches another important milestone by:

  1. Extending the existing collection of definitions.
  2. Developing a functional metaverse operation model based on Sources requesting Destinations to perform Actions on Items both containing Data Types.
  3. Specifying the Actions that Sources request Destinations to perform on Items and the responses of Destinations.
  4. Specifying the Metadata of the Items but not their Data Formats, in line with the Functionality approach.
  5. Developing nine Use Cases to test the suitability of Actions and Items.
  6. Developing four Functionality Profiles.
  7. MPAI-MMM Functional Operation Model

As it is hard to describe the many terms defined in the document, we will rely on the common meaning of the words. When in doubt about the meaning of a term (starting with a capital letter), please use the search window.

Figure 1 shows a simple example of the connection between the real world (right-hand side, called Universe) and the representations of U-Environments in M-Instances on the left-hand side. Green indicates that the User/Objects represents real-world humans/objects. Users are visualised as Personae: light blue indicates that a Persona or Object is driven by an autonomous agent and brick red that the Persona moves according to its real twin’s movements.

Figure 1 – An example of Metaverse Scenario

An M-Instance is populated by Processes, e.g., a real or virtual Persona is driven by a Process. A Process may request another Process to perform an Action by sending it a Request-Action and receiving a Response-Action. The Request-Action is an Item, i.e., Data and Metadata, possibly with Rights. The Item contains the Time the request was issued and Source Process, Destination Process, Action requested, InItems provided as input and their InLocations, OutLocations of the output Items, and requested OutRights to Act on the produced Items.

Figure 2 – Processes interacting within and without M-Instances

So far, the following elements have been identified and specified:

  1. 4 Processes: App, Device, Service, and User.
  2. 27 Actions, such as Authenticate an Entity (an Item that can be perceived), Discover (request a Service to find Items responding to certain criteria), MM-Embed (place and make perceptible an Entity at an M-Location), UM-Animate (animate an Entity with data from the real world), etc.
  3. 33 Items such as Account, Asset (an Item that can be Transacted), Map (a list of connections between U-Locations and M-Locations), Model (a representation of an object ready to be UM-Animated by a Stream or to be MM-Animated by an autonomous agent), Rights (a description of what Actions can be done on an Item), etc.
  4. 13 Data Types such as, Currency, Emotion, Spatial Attitude, Time, etc.
  1. Use Cases

Nine use cases have been developed. Here a simple use case showing the descriptive capabilities of the MPAI-MMM scene description language.

Figure 3 – The Virtual lecture use case

Here is a description of the workflow.

  1. The meeting manager authors and embeds a virtual classroom.
  2. The student
    1. Connects its place in the M-Instance (“home”) with the place where the human is.
    2. Pays for the right to attend the lecture and save the Experience of the lecture.
    3. Places its Persona in the virtual classroom and stops the rendering of the Persona at home.
  3. The teacher
    1. Does likewise (but does not pay),
    2. Places a 3D Model used in the lecture and animates it.
  4. The student
    1. Moves close to the teacher’s desk without changing the display of its Persona to feels the audio, visual, and haptic components of the 3D Model.
    2. Saves the lecture how they experienced it.
  5. The meeting manager pays lecture fees to the teacher.
  6. Both student and teacher go back home.

The other use cases are: Virtual Meeting, Hybrid Working, eSports Tournament, Virtual Performance, AR Tourist Guide, Virtual Dance, Virtual Car Showroom, and Drive a Connected Autonomous Vehicle.

  1. Functionality Profiles

The structure of the Metaverse Functionality Profiles is derived from the Use Cases and includes hierarchical Profiles and independent Profiles. Profiles may have Levels. As depicted in Figure 3, the currently identified Profiles are Baseline, Management, Finance, and High. The currently identified Levels for Baseline, Management, and High Profiles are Audio only, Audio-Visual, and Audio-Visual-Haptic. The Finance Profile does not have Levels.

Figure 4 – The currently identified Functionality Profiles

  1. What is next

MPAI has now laid down the basic elements and can start from the development of the Technical Specification – Metaverse Architecture. This will contain the main components of an M-Instance, their interconnections and the types of data exchanged. It will also contain the APIs called by the Processes to enable implementation of M-Instances.









Technical Report – MPAI Metaverse Model – Functionality Profiles


1       Introduction. 1

2       A functional operation model 2

3       Actions. 3

4       Items. 5

5       Data Types. 6

6       Use cases. 7

6.1        AR Tourist Guide. 7

6.2        Virtual Dance. 8

7       Initial functionality profiles. 10

8       Conclusions. 11

9       References. 11


MPAI has developed a roadmap for Metaverse interoperability. The published Technical Report – MPAI Metaverse Model – Functionalities [1] claims that, as standards for a market as vast as the one expected for the Metaverse are difficult to develop, functional profiles should be developed. The published draft Technical Report – MPAI Metaverse Model – Functionality Profiles [2] develops a Metaverse functional operation model, applies it to 7 Use Cases and proposes 4 initial functionality profiles. This document is a concise summary of [2].

1        Introduction

The MPAI Metaverse Model (MPAI-MMM) aims to provide Technical Reports and Technical Specifications that apply to as many kinds of Metaverse instances as possible and enable varied Metaverse implementations to interoperate.

At present, achieving interoperability is difficult because:

  1. There is no common understanding of what a Metaverse is or should be, in detail.
  2. There is an abundance of existing and potential Metaverse Use Cases.
  3. Some independently designed Metaverse implementations are very successful.
  4. Some important technologies enabling more advanced and even unforeseen forms of the Metaverse may be uncovered in the next several years.

MPAI has developed a roadmap to deal with this challenging situation. The first milestone of the roadmap is based on the idea of collecting the functionalities that potential Users expect the Metaverse to provide, instead of trying to define what the Metaverse is. The first Technical Report of this roadmap [1] includes definitions, makes assumptions for the MPAI-MMM project, identified sources that can generate functionalities, develops an organised list of commented functionalities, and analyses the main enabling technologies. Reference [3] provides a summary of [1].

Potential Metaverse Users with different needs might require different technologies to support these needs. Therefore, an approach that tried to achieve the goal of making every M-Instance be able to interoperate with every other M-Instance would force implementers to take technologies on board that are useless for their needs and potentially costly.

Reference [1] posits that Metaverse standardisation should be based on the notion of Profiles[1] and Levels[2] successfully adopted by digital media standardisation. A Metaverse Standard that includes Profiles and Levels would enable Metaverse developers to use only the technologies they need that are offered by whatever profile is most suitable to them.

The notion of profile can mitigate the impact of having many disparate Metaverse Users with diverse requirements. Unfortunately, that notion cannot be currently implemented because some key technologies are not yet available and at this time it is unclear which technologies, existing or otherwise, will eventually be adopted. To cope with this situation, [2] only targets Functionality Profiles, i.e., profiles that are defined by the functionalities they offer, not by technologies implementing them. Functionality Profiles are not meant to fully address the interoperability problem, but rather to allow a technology-independent definition of profiles based on the functional value they provide rather than on the “influence” of specific technologies.

2        A functional operation model

A Metaverse instance – called M-Instance – is composed of interacting Processes within and without the M-Instance. An M-Instance interoperates with another M-Instance to the extent its Processes interoperate.

MPAI has identified 3 classes of Process:

  1. Users: Processes that represent humans using data from the real world (U-Locations) or autonomous agents (both need not be human-like).
  2. Devices: Processes interconnecting U-Locations to M-Locations and vice-versa.
  3. Services: Processes providing Functionalities.

A Process performs or requests another Process to perform Actions on Items. Item is data with attached metadata possibly including Rightss enabling a Process to perform Actions on. Rights express the ability to perform an Action on an Item.

The names of some Actions are prefixed depending on where Action is performed:

  1. MM- if the interAction takes place in Metaverse.
  2. UM- if the interAction is between Universe to Metaverse (Universe is the real world).
  3. MU- if the interAction is between Metaverse to Universe.

An interAction of Process #1 with Process #2 unfolds as follows:

  1. Process #1 requests Process #2 to performs Actions on Items.
  2. Process #2 executes the request if Process #1 has Rightss to call Process #2.
  3. Process #2 responds to Process #1’s request.

Note that Processes and Items need not be in the same M-Instance. However, the possibility of having Actions performed on Items may be more limited if they are not in the same M-Instance.

Figure 1 depicts a Metaverse configuration with interacting Processes.

Figure 1- A Metaverse configuration

Devices connect humans and objects in a U-Location (a location in the real world – called Universe) to one or more Metaverse Service generating M-Instances as depicted in Figure 2.

Figure 2 – The relationship between the real world (Universe) and M-Instances

A Device UM-Captures scenes with its Sensors and MU-Render Entities (i.e., Item that can be perceived) though their Actuators.

To enable its User(s) to perform Actions in an M-Instance, a human may be asked to Register and provide a subset of their User data, e.g., Persona(e) and ID(s) of Wallet. The M-Instance provides an Account that univocally associates a Registered human with their Items with the following features:

  1. A human may have more than one Account in more than one M-Instance.
  2. A User has Rightss to act in the M-Instance associated with the human’s Account.
  3. A human may have more than one Account and more than one User per Account.
  4. A User exists after a human Registers with an M-Instance.
  5. Different Users of an Account may have different Rightss.

The Rules of an M-Instance express the obligations undertaken by the Registering human represented by the User and the terms and conditions under which a User exists in an M-Instance and operates either there or in another M-Instance. Depending on the Rules, a User of a human Registered on an M-Instance may or may not interact with another M-Instance and Rightss enforcement on some Actions performed on some Items may be forfeited.

Data entering an M-Instance, e.g., by Reading or MM-Capturing may include metadata and the Rightss granted to a Process to perform Actions on the data.

Items bear an Identifier is uniquely associated to that Item. However, an Item may bear more than one identifier. It is assumed that identifiers have the following structure:

[M-InstanceID] [ItemID]; [M-InstanceID] [M-LocationID] [ItemID].

3        Actions

A User can call a Process to perform Actions on Entities. An Entity can be:

  1. Authored, i.e., the User calls an Authoring Tool Service with an accompanying request to obtain Rights to act on the authored Entity.
  2. MM-Added, i.e., the User requests that an Entity be added to an M-Location with a Spatial Attitude.
  3. MM-Enabled, i.e., the User requests that a Process be allowed to MM-Capture an Entity that is MM-Added at an M-Location.
  4. MM-Embedded, i.e., MM-Added and MM-Enabled in one stroke.
  5. MM-Captured, i.e., the User requests that an Entity MM-Embedded at an M-Location be MM-Sent to a Process.
  6. UM-Animated, i.e., the User requests that a Process change the features of an Entity using a Stream of data.
  7. MM-Disabled, i.e., the User requests that the MM-Enabling of the Entity be stopped.
  8. Authenticated, i.e., the User calls a Service to make sure that an Item is what it claims to be.
  9. Interpreted, i.e., the User calls a Service to obtain an interpretation of Items in an M-Instance, e.g., translate a Speech Object MM-Embedded at an M-Location into a specific language.
  10. Informed, i.e., the User calls a Service to obtain data about an Item.

An example of composite Action, i.e., an Action that involves a plurality of Actions and a plurality of Items is Track that enables a User to request Services to:

  1. MM-Add a Persona at an M-Location with a Spatial Attitude.
  2. UM-Animate the Persona MM-Added at an M-Location.
  3. MU-Render specified Entities at the M-Location to a U-Location with Spatial Attitudes.

So far, the following Actions have been identified:

1 Authenticate 8 Inform 15 MM-Enable 22 Track
2 Author 9 Interpret 16 MM-Send 23 Transact
3 Call 10 MM-Add 17 MU-Actuate 24 UM-Animate
4 Change 11 MM-Animate 18 MU-Render 25 UM-Capture
5 Create 12 MM-Capture 19 Post 26 UM-Render
6 Destroy 13 MM-Disable 20 Read 27 UM-Send
7 Discover 14 MM-Embed 21 Register 28 Write

Of course, the Actions identified are not intended to be the only ones that will be needed by all M-Instances.

A Process requests another Process to perform an Action sending the following payload.

Source User (ID=UserID) ∨ Device (ID=DeviceID) ∨ Service (ID=ServiceID)
Destination User (ID=UserID) ∨ Device (ID=DeviceID) ∨ Service (ID=ServiceID)
Action Act
InItem Item (ID=ItemID)
InLocations M-LocationID ∨ U-LocationID ∨ Service (ID=ServiceID)
OutLocations M-LocationID ∨ U-LocationID ∨ Device (ID=DeviceID) ∨ Service (ID=ServiceID)
OutRights Rights (ID=RightsID)

The requested Process will respond by sending the following payload:

Success OutItem Item (ID=ItemID)
Error Request Faulty
IDs Incorrect
Rights Missing or incomplete
Unsupported Item not supported
Mismatch Item type mismatch
User Data Faulty
Wallet Insufficient Value
Clash Entity clashes with another Entity
M-Location Out of range
U-Location Out of range
Address Incorrect

4        Items

An Item can be:

  1. Created: from data and metadata. Metadata may include Rights.
  2. Changed: its Rightss are modified.
  3. Discovered by calling an appropriate Service.
  4. Written, i.e., stored.
  5. Posted as an Asset (i.e., an Item that can be the object of a Transaction to a Marketplace) to a marketplace.
  6. Transacted as an Asset.

An Item can belong to one of six categories:

  1. Items characterised by the fact that they can be MM-Captured by a User.
  2. Items that can cause an Entity to change its perceptible features.
  3. Items that have space and time attributes.
  4. Items that are finance related.
  5. Items that are non-perceptible.
  6. Items that are Process-related.

Entities are Items that can be perceived. Here are some relevant Items.

  1. Event: the set of Entities that are MM-Embedded at an M-Location from Start Time until End Time.
  2. Experience: An Event as a User MM-Captured it and the User’s Interactions with the Entities belonging to the Entity that spawned the Event.
  3. Object: the representation of an object and its features. Currently, only the following object types are considered: Audio, Visual, and Haptic.
  4. Model: An Object that can be UM-Animated by a Stream or a Process. A Persona is the Model of a human.
  5. Scene: a dynamic composition of Objects described by Times and Spatial Attitudes.

The finance-related Items are:

  1. Asset: An Item that may be the object of a Transaction and is embedded at an M-Location or Posted to a Service.
  2. Ledger: the list of Transactions executed on Assets.
  3. Provenance: the Ledger of an Asset.
  4. Transaction: Item representing the changed state of the Accounts and the Rights of a seller User and a buyer User on an Asset and optionally of the Service facilitating/enabling the Transaction.
  5. Value: An Amount expressed in a Currency.
  6. Wallet: A container of Currency units.

So far, the following Items have been identified:

1 Account 11 M-Environment 21 Request-Authenticate 31 Scene
2 Activity Data 12 M-Instance 22 Request-Discover 32 Service
3 App 13 M-Location 23 Request-Inform 33 Social Graph
4 Asset 14 Map 24 Request-Interpret 34 Stream
5 Device 15 Message 25 Response-Authenticate 35 TransAction
6 Event 16 Model 26 Response-Discover 36 U-Location
7 Experience 17 Object 27 Response-Inform 37 User
8 Identifier 18 Personal Profile 28 Response-Interpret 38 User Data
9 InterAction 19 Process 29 Rights 39 Value
10 Ledger 20 Provenance 30 Rules 40 Wallet

Of course, more Items will be identified as more application domains will be taken into consideration.

Each Item is specified by the following table. It should be noted that, in line with the assumptions made by the MPAI Metaverse roadmap and the current focus on functionalities, the formats of the Item Data are not specified.

Purpose A functional description of the Item.
Data In general, the Item data format(s) is(are) not provided.
Acted on Metadata
ItemID ID of the Item.
UserID ID of the User who holds Rights on the Item with ItemID.
WalletID ID of the Wallet held by User with UserID
InRightsID ID of the Rights the User with UserID has on the Item with ItemID.
OutRightsID ID of the Rights a User may acquire on the Item with ItemID.
AuthorID ID of the User who Authored the Item with ItemID.
AuthorToolID ID of the Service who provided the AuthorTool.
ParentItemID ID of the Item that spawned the Item.
ServiceID ID of the Service that is Called.
ServiceWalletID ID of the Wallet of a Service.
ActedOnItemID ID of the Item that was Acted on.
TargetUserID ID of the User to be affected by the Action.
TargetWalletID ID of the Wallet of the User to be affected by the Action.
UserDataID ID of a User Data.
PersonaID ID of a User’s Persona.
PersonalDataID ID of a User’s Personal Data.
ActivityDataID ID of a User’s Activity Data.
DescrMdata Any additional descriptive Metadata of the Item.

5        Data Types

Data Types are data that are referenced in Actions or in Items. Currently, the following data types have been identified.

  1. Address
  2. Amount
  3. Coordinates
  4. Currency
  5. Personal status
    1. Cognitive state
    2. Emotion
    3. Social attitude
  6. Point
  7. Spatial attitude
    1. position
    2. orientation
  8. Time

6        Use cases

So far 7 Use Cases have been developed to verify the completeness of Actions, Items and data types specified. Use cases are also a tool that facilitates the development of functionality profiles.

To cope with the fact that Use Cases may involve several locations and Items, a notation has been developed exemplified by the following:

  1. Useri MM-Embeds Persona1, Personai.2, etc.
  2. Useri Calls Process1, Processi.2, etc.
  3. Useri MM-Embeds Personaj, at M-Locationi.1, M-Locationi.2, etc.
  4. Useri MU-Renders Entityj at U-Locationi.1, U-Locationi.2, etc.
  5. Useri MM-Sends object2 to Userj.

The following is to be noted:

Note1 A = Audio, A-V = Audio-Visual, A-V-H = Audio-Visual-Haptic, SA=Spatial Attitude.
Note2 If a Composite Action is listed, its Basic Actions are not listed, unless they are independently used by the Use Case.

Here only two of the seven Use Cases of [2] will be presented.

6.1       AR Tourist Guide

6.1.1      Description

This Use Case describes a human who intends to develop a tourist application through an App that alerts the holder of a smart phone where the App is installed and lets them view Entities and talk to autonomous agents residing at M-Locations:

  1. User1
    1. Buys M-Location1 (parcel) in an M-Environment.
    2. Creates Entity1 (landscape suitable for a virtual path through n sub-M-Locations).
    3. Embeds Entity1 (landscape) on M-Location1.1 (parcel).
    4. Sells Entity1 (landscape) and M-Location1.1 (parcel) to a User2.
  2. User2
    1. Authors Entity1 to Entity2.n for the M-Locations.
    2. Embeds the Entities at M-Location1 to M-Location2.n.
    3. Sells the result to User3.
  3. human4
    1. Develops
      1. Map recording the pairs M-Locationi – U-Location2.i
      2. App alerting a human5 holding the Device with the App installed that a key U-Location has been reached.
    2. Sells Map and App to human3.
  4. User3 MM-Embeds one or more autonomous Personae at M-Location1 to M-Location2.n.
  5. When human5 gets close to a key U-Location:
    • App prompts Device to Request User3 to MU-Render the Entityi MM-Embedded at M-Location2.i to the key U-Location2.i.
    • human5 interacts with MU-Rendered Entityi that may include an MM-Animated Persona2.i.

6.1.2      Workflow

Table 1 – AR Tourist Guide workflow.

Who Does What Where/comment
User1 Transacts M-Location1.1 (Parcel in an M-Environment)
Authors Entity1.1 (A landscape for the parcel)
MM-Embeds Entity1.1 M-Location1.1
Transacts Entity1.1 User2 (landscape)
Transacts M-Location1.1 User2 (parcel)
User2 Authors Entity2.1 to Entity2.n Promotion material for U-Locations.
MM-Embeds Entity2.1 to Entity2.n M-Location2.1 to Location 2.n
Writes M-Locations Address2.1
MM-Sends Address2.1 User4
Transacts Entity1.1 User4 (landscape)
Transacts M-Location1.1 User4 (parcel)
Transacts Entity2.1 to Entity2.n User4
human3 develops Map3.1 (U-location2.i-M-Location2.i-Metadata2.i)
sells Map and App To human4
User4 MM-Embeds Persona4.1-Persona4.n M-Location2.1 to Location 2.n w/ SA
MM-Animates Persona4.1-Persona4.n M-Location2.1 to M-Location2.n
human5 downloads App (To Device)
approaches U-Location2.i (App’s key point)
App prompts Device5.1
Device5.1 MM-Send Message5.1 User4 (Persona4.i)
Persona4.i MU-Sends Entity2.i U-Location2.i
human5 interacts (W/ MU-Rendered Entity4.i and Persona4.i)

6.1.3      Actions, Items, and Data Types

Actions Items Data Types
Author App Amount
MM-Animate Device Currency
MM-Embed Entity Coordinates
MM-Send Map Spatial Attitude
MU-Render M-Location Spatial Attitude
Send Persona Value
Write Service
Transact U-Location

6.2       Virtual Dance

6.2.1      Description

  1. User2 (dance teacher)
    • Teaches dance at a virtual classroom.
    • Works at M-Location1 where its digital twin Persona2.1 is Audio-Visually MM-Embedded.
    • MM-Embeds and MM-Animates Persona2 (A-V) (another of its Personae) at M-Location2.2 as virtual secretary to attends to students coming to learn dance.
  2. User1 (dance student #1):
    • MM-Embeds its Persona1 (A-V) at Location1.1 (its “home”).
    • Audio-Visual-Haptically MM-Embeds Persona1 (A-V-H) at Location1.2 close to Location2.2.
    • Sends Object1 (A) to Persona2.2 (greets virtual secretary).
  3. Virtual secretary:
    • Sends Object1 (A) to dance students #1 (reciprocates greeting).
    • Send Object2 (A) to call regular dance teacher’s Persona2.1.
  4. Dance teacher MM-Embeds (A-V-H) Persona1 at Location2.3 (classroom) where it dances with Persona1.1 (dance student #1).
  5. While Persona1 (student #1) and Persona2.1 (teacher) dance, User3 (dance student #2):
    • MM-Embeds (A-V) Persona1 (its digital twin) at Location3.1 (its “home”).
    • MM-Embeds (A-V-H) Persona1 to Location3.2 (close to Location2.2 where the secretary is located).
  6. After a while, User2 (dance teacher):
    • MM-Embeds (A-V-H) Persona1 at Location2.4, (close to Location3.2 of dance student #2).
    • MM-Disables Persona1 from Location2.3 where it was dancing with Persona1.1 (student #1).
    • MM-Embeds (A-V-H) and MM-Animates an autonomous Persona3 replacing Persona2.1 from Location2.3 so that student #1 can continue practising dance.
    • Dances with Persona1 (student #2).

6.2.2      Workflow

Table 2 – Virtual Dance workflow.

Who Does What Where/(comment)
User2 (Teacher) Tracks Persona2.1 (AV) M-Location2.1
MM-Embeds Persona2.2 (AV) M-Location2.2 w/ SA
MM-Animates Persona2.2 (AV) M-Location2.2
User1 (Student) Tracks Persona1.1 (AV) M-Location1.1
Transacts Value1.1 (Lesson fees)
MM-Embeds Persona1.1 (AVH) M-Location1.2 w/ SA
MM-Disables Persona1.1 M-Location1.1
MM-Sends Object1.1 (A) Persona2.2 (greetings)
User2 (Persona2.2) MM-Sends Object2.1 (A) Persona1.1 (greetings)
MM-Sends Object2.2 (A) Persona2.1 (alert)
User2 (Persona2.1) MM-Embeds Persona2.1 M-Location2.3 w/ SA
MM-Disables Persona2.2 M-Location2.2
MM-Embeds Object2.3 (A) M-Location2.4 (music)
Persona1.1 (dances)
Persona2.1 (dances)
User3 (Student) Tracks Persona3.1 (AV) M-Location3.1
Transacts Value3.1 (Lesson fees)
MM-Embeds Persona3.1 (AVH) M-Location3.2 w/ SA
MM-Disables Persona3.1 M-Location3.1
User2 (Teacher) MM-Disables Persona2.1 M-Location2.3
MM-Embeds Persona2.3 M-Location2.4 w/ SA
Animates Persona2.3 M-Location2.4
Persona3.1 (dance)
Persona2.1 (dance)

6.2.3      Actions, Items, and Data Types

Actions Items Data Types
MM-Animate Persona (AV) Amount
MM-Disable M-Location Currency
MM-Embed Object (A) Spatial Attitude
MM-Send Persona (AVH) Value
Track Service
Transact U-Location

7       Initial functionality profiles

The structure of the Metaverse functionality profiles derived from the above includes hierarchical profiles and one independent profile. Profiles may have levels. As depicted in Figure 2, the currently identified profiles are baseline, management, finance, and high. The currently identified levels for baseline, management, and high profiles are audio only, audio-visual, and audio-visual-haptic.

Figure 3 – the currently identified Functionality Profiles

As an example, the baseline functionality profile enables a human equipped with a Device to allow their Users to:

  1. Author Entities, e.g., object models.
  2. Sense a scene at a U-Location:
    • UM-Capture a scene.
    • UM-Send data.
  3. MM-Embed Personae and objects:
    • MM-Add Persona and object.
    • UM-Animate a Persona, with a stream (UM-Animate) or using a Process (MM-Animate).
  4. MU-Render an Entity at an M-Location to a U-Location.
  5. MM-Capture Entities at an M-Location
  6. MM-Disable an Entity.

This Profile supports baseline lecture, meeting, and hang-out Use Cases. TransActions and User management are not supported.

Table 3 lists the Actions, Entities, and Data Types of the Baseline Functionality Profile.

Table 3 – Actions, Entities, and Data Types of the Baseline Functionality Profile

Actions Author Call Create Destroy
MM-Add MM-Animate MM-Capture MM-Embed
MM-Disable MM-Enable MM-Render MM-Send
MU-Render MU-Send Read Register
Track UM-Animate UM-Capture UM-Render
UM-Send Write
Items Device Event Experience Identifier
Map M-Instance M-Location Model
Object Persona Process Scene
Service Stream U-Environment U-Location
Data Types Address Coordinates Orientation Position
  Spatial Attitude

The identified four profiles serve well the needs conveyed by the identified functionalities. As more functionalities will be added, the number of profiles and potentially of levels, is likely to increase.

8       Conclusions

Reference [2] demonstrates the feasibility of the first two milestones of the proposed MPAI roadmap to Metaverse interoperability. Currently, four functionality profiles supporting the selected functionalities have been identified and specified. As more basic Metaverse elements are added, however, more functional profiles are likely to be found necessary. Functionality profiles can be extended and restructured as more Functionalities will be added.

The next step of the MPAI roadmap to Metaverse interoperability is the development of Technical Specification – MPAI Metaverse Model (MPAI-MMM) – Metaverse Architecture.

9        References

  1. MPAI; Technical Report – MPAI Metaverse Model – Functionalities (MPAI-MMM); January 2023;
  2. MPAI; Technical Report – MPAI Metaverse Model – Functionality Profiles (MPAI-MMM); March 2023;
  3. MPAI; A roadmap to Metaverse Interoperability; February 2023; FGMV-I-012

[1] A Profile is sets of one or more base standards and, if applicable, chosen classes, subsets, options, and parameters of those standards that are necessary for accomplishing a particular function.

[2] A Level is a subdivision of a Profile indicating the completeness of the User experience.

The MPAI metaverse standardisation proposal

1. Introduction

Metaverse is expected to create new jobs, opportunities, and experiences and transform virtually all sectors of human interaction. To harness its potential, however, there are hurdles to overcome:

  1. There is no common agreement on what a “metaverse” is or should be.
  2. The potential users of the metaverse  are too disparate.
  3. Many successful independent implementations of “metaverse” already exist.
  4. Some important enabling technologies may be years away.

To seamlessly use metaverses, standards are needed. Before engaging in metaverse standardisation, we should find a way to achieve metaverse standardisation, even without:

  1. Reaching an agreement on what a metaverse is.
  2. Disenfranchising potential users.
  3. Alienating existing initiatives.
  4. Dealing with technologies (for now)

2. The MPAI proposal

MPAI – Moving Picture, Audio, and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence – believes that developing a (set of) metaverse standards is very challenging goal. Metaverse standardisation requires that we should:

  1. Start small and grow.
  2. Be creative and devise a new working method.
  3. Test the method.
  4. Gather confidence in the method.
  5. Achieve a wide consensus on the method.

Then, we could develop a (set of) metaverse standards.

MPAI has developed an initial roadmap:

  1. Build a metaverse terminology.
  2. Agree on basic assumptions.
  3. Collect metaverse functionalities.
  4. Develop functionality profiles.
  5. Develop a metaverse architecture.
  6. Develop functional requirements of the metaverse architecture data types.
  7. Develop a Table of Contents of Common Metaverse Specifications.
  8. Map technologies to the ToC of the Common Metaverse Specifications.

Step #1 – develop a common terminology

We need no convincing of the importance of this step as many are developing metaverse terminologies. Unfortunately, there is no attempt at converging to an industry-wide terminology.

The terminology should:

  • Have an agreed scope.
  • Be technology- and business-agnostic.
  • Not use one industry’s terms if they are used by more than one industry.

The terminology is:

  • Intimately connected with the standard that will use it.
  • Functional to the following milestones of the roadmap.

MPAI has already defined some 150 classified metaverse terms and encourages the convergence of existing terminology initiatives. The MPAI terminology can be found here.

Step #2 – Agree on basic assumptions

Assumptions are needed for a multi-stakeholder project because designing a roadmap depends on the goal and on the methods used to reach it.

MPAI has laid down 16 assumptions which it proposes for a discussion. Here the first 3 assumptions are presented. All the assumptions can be found here.

  • Assumption #1: As there is no agreement on what a metaverse is, let’s accept all legitimate requests of “metaverse” functionalities.
    • Note: an accepted functionality does not imply that a Metaverse Instance shall support it.
  • Assumptions#2Common Metaverse Specifications (CMS) will be developed.
    • Note: they will provide the technologies supporting identified Functionalities.
  • Assumption#3: CMS Technologies will be grouped into Technology Profiles in response to industry needs.
    • Note: A profile shall maximise the number technologies supported by specific groups of industries.

The notion of profile was well known and used in digital media standardisation and is defined here:

A set of one or more base standards, and, if applicable, their chosen classes, subsets, options and parameters, necessary for accomplishing a particular function.

Step #3 – Collect metaverse functionalities

The number of industries potentially interested in deploying metaverse is very large and MPAI has explored 18 of them. See here. A metaverse implementation is also likely to use external service providers – interfaces should be defined. See here.

MPAI has collected > 150 functionalities organised in: Areas – Subareas – Titles. See here.

This is not an accomplished task, but its beginning. Collecting metaverse functionalities should be a continuous task.

Step #4 – Which profiles?

The notion of profile is not currently implementable because some key technologies are not yet available and it is not clear which technologies, exisiting or otherwise, will eventually be selected.

MPAI proposes to introduce a new type of profile – functionality profile, characterised by the functionalities offered, not by the technologies implementing them. By dealing only with functionalities and not technologies, profile definition is not “contaminated” by technology considerations. MPAI is in the process of developing:

Technical Report – MPAI Metaverse Model (MPAI-MMM) – Functionality Profiles.

It is expected that the Technical Report will be published for Community Comments on the 26th of March and finally adopted on the 19th of April 2023. It will contain the following table of contents:

  1. scalable Metaverse Operational Model.
  2. Actions (what you do in the metaverse):
    1. Purpose – what the Action is for.
    2. Payload – data to the Metaverse.
    3. Response – data from the Metaverse.
  3. Items (on what you do Actions):
    1. Purpose – what the Item is for.
    2. Data – functional requirements.
    3. Metadata – functional requirements.
  4. Example functionality profiles.

The Technical Report will not contain nor make reference to technologies.

3. The next steps of the MPAI poposal

The Technical Report will demonstrate that it is possible to develop metaverse functionality profiles (and levels) that do not make reference to technologies, only to functionalities.

Step #5 – Develop a metaverse architecture.

The goal is to specify of a Metaverse Architecture, including the main functional blocks and the data types exchanged between blocks.

Step #6 – Develop functional requirements of the metaverse architecture data types.

The goal is to develop the functional requirements of the data types exchanged between functional blocks of the metaverse architecture.

Step #7 – Develop the Table of Contents of the Common Metaverse Specifications.

The goal is to produce an initial Table of Contents (ToC) of Common Metaverse Specifications to have a clear understanding of which Technologies are needed for which purpose in which parts of the metaverse architecture to achieve interoperability.

Step #8 – Map technologies to the ToC of the Common Metaverse Specifications.

MPAI intends to map its relevant technologies and see how they fit in the Common Metaverse Specification architecture. Other SDOs are invited to join the effort.

4. Conclusions

Of course, step #8 there will not provide the metaverse specifications but a tested method to produce them. MPAI envisages to reach step #8 in December 2023. It is a good price to pay before engaging in a perilous project.

The MPAI metaverse standardisation proposal

1. Introduction

The metaverse is expected to create new jobs, opportunities, and experiences with transformational impacts on virtually all sectors of human interaction. Therefore, metaverse standards are important, but:

  1. There is no common agreement on what a “metaverse” is or should be.
  2. There are many potential users of the metaverse.
  3. There are many successful independent implementations of “metaverse”.
  4. Some important enabling technologies may be years away.

We need to agree on how to tackle metaverse standardisation, without necessarily:

  1. Reaching an agreement on what a metaverse is.
  2. Disenfranchising potential users.
  3. Alienating existing initiatives
  4. Dealing with technologies (for now)

2. The MPAI proposal

MPAI – Moving Picture, Audio, and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence – believes that developing a (set of) metaverse standards is very challenging goal. Metaverse standardiosation requires that we should:

  1. Start small and grow.
  2. Be creative and devise a new working method.
  3. Test the method.
  4. Gather confidence in the method.
  5. Gather a wide consensus on the method.

Then, we could develop a (set of) metaverse standards.

MPAI has developed an initial roadmap:

  1. Build a metaverse terminology.
  2. Agree on basic assumptions.
  3. Collect metaverse functionalities.
  4. Develop functionality profiles.
  5. Develop a metaverse architecture.
  6. Develop functional requirements of the metaverse architecture data types.
  7. Develop a Table of Contents of Common Metaverse Specifications.
  8. Map technologies to the ToC of the Common Metaverse Specifications.

Step #1 – develop a common terminology

We need no convincing of the importance of this step as many are developing metaverse terminologies. Unfortunately, there is no attempt at converging to an industry-wide terminology.

The terminology should:

  • Have an agreed scope.
  • Be technology- and business-agnostic.
  • Not use one industry’s terms if they are used by more than one industry.

The terminology is:

  • Intimately connected with the standard that will use it.
  • Functional to the following milestones of the roadmap.

MPAI has already defined some 150 classified metaverse terms and encourages the convergence of existing terminology initiatives. The MPAI terminology can be found here.

Step #2 – Agree on basic assumptions

Assumptions are needed for a multi-stakeholder project because designing a roadmap depends on the goal and on the methods used to reach it.

MPAI has laid down 16 assumptions which it proposes for a discussion. Here the first 3 assumptions are presented. All the assumptions can be found here.

  • Assumption #1: As there is no agreement on what a metaverse is, let’s accept all legitimate requests of “metaverse” functionalities.
    • Note: an accepted functionality does not imply that a Metaverse Instance shall support it.
  • Assumptions#2Common Metaverse Specifications (CMS) will be developed.
    • Note: they will provide the technologies supporting identified Functionalities.
  • Assumption#3: CMS Technologies will be grouped into Technology Profiles in response to industry needs.
    • Note: A profile shall maximise the number technologies supported by specific groups of industries.

The notion of profile was well known and used in digital media standardisation and is defined here:

A set of one or more base standards, and, if applicable, their chosen classes, subsets, options and parameters, necessary for accomplishing a particular function.

Step #3 – Collect metaverse functionalities

The number of industries potentially interested in deploying metaverse is very large and MPAI has explored 18 of them. See here. A metaverse implementation is also likely to use external service providers – interfaces should be defined. See here.

MPAI has collected > 150 functionalities organised in: Areas – Subareas – Titles. See here.

This is not an accomplished task, but its beginning. Collecting metaverse functionalities should be a continuous task.

Step #4 – Which profiles?

The notion of profile is not currently implementable because some key technologies are not yet available and it is not clear which technologies, exisiting or otherwise, will eventually be selected.

MPAI proposes to introduce a new type of profile – functionality profile, characterised by the functionalities offered, not by the technologies implementing them. By dealing only with functionalities and not technologies, profile definition is not “contaminated” by technology considerations. MPAI is in the process of developing:

Technical Report – MPAI Metaverse Model (MPAI-MMM) – Functionality Profiles.

It is expected that the Technical Report will be published for Community Comments on the 26th of March and finally adopted on the 19th of April 2023. It will contain the following table of contents:

  1. scalable Metaverse Operational Model.
  2. Actions (what you do in the metaverse):
    1. Purpose – what the Action is for.
    2. Payload – data to the Metaverse.
    3. Response – data from the Metaverse.
  3. Items (on what you do Actions):
    1. Purpose – what the Item is for.
    2. Data – functional requirements.
    3. Metadata – functional requirements.
  4. Example functionality profiles.

The Technical Report will not contain nor make reference to technologies.

3. The next steps of the MPAI poposal

The Technical Report will demonstrate that it is possible to develop metaverse functionality profiles (and levels) that do not make reference to technologies, only to functionalities.

Step #5 – Develop a metaverse architecture.

The goal is to specify of a Metaverse Architecture, including the main functional blocks and the data types exchanged between blocks.

Step #6 – Develop functional requirements of the metaverse architecture data types.

The goal is to develop the functional requirements of the data types exchanged between functional blocks of the metaverse architecture.

Step #7 – Develop the Table of Contents of the Common Metaverse Specifications.

The goal is to produce an initial Table of Contents (ToC) of Common Metaverse Specifications to have a clear understanding of which Technologies are needed for which purpose in which parts of the metaverse architecture to achieve interoperability.

Step #8 – Map technologies to the ToC of the Common Metaverse Specifications.

MPAI intends to map its relevant technologies and see how they fit in the Common Metaverse Specification architecture. Other SDOs are invited to join the effort.

4. Conclusions

Of course, step #8 there will not provide the metaverse specifications but a tested method to produce them. MPAI envisages to reach step #8 in December 2023. It is a good price to pay before engaging in a perilous project.

MPAI publishes Version 2 Audio Enhancement for Community Comments and the Neural Network Watermarking Reference Software

Geneva, Switzerland – 22 February 2023. Today the international, non-profit, unaffiliated Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) standards developing organisation has concluded its 29th General Assembly (MPAI-29) approving a new version of its Audio Enhancement (MPAI-CAE) Technical Specification posted for Community Comments and the Neural Network Watermarking (MPAI-NNW) Reference Software.

Version 2 of the Context-based Audio Enhancement (MPAI-CAE) Technical Specification, besides supporting the functionalities of Version 1, specifies new technologies to enable a device to describe an audio scene in terms of audio objects and their directions. MPAI uses this Technical Specification to enable human interaction with autonomous vehicles, avatar-based videoconference and metaverse applications. The document is posted with a request for Community Comments to be sent to until the 20th of March 2023.

The Reference Software of Neural Network Watermarking (MPAI-NNW) provides the means, including the software, to evaluate the performance of neural network-based watermarking solutions in terms of imperceptibility, robustness, and computational cost. The version of the software is specific for image classification but can be extended to other application areas.

MPAI is continuing its work plan including the development of the following Technical Specifications:

  1. The AI Framework (MPAI-AIF) V2 Technical Specification will enable an implementer to establish a secure AIF environment to execute AI Workflows (AIW) composed of AI Modules (AIM).
  2. The Avatar Representation and Animation (MPAI-ARA) V1 Technical Specification will support creation and animation of interoperable human-like avatar models expressing a Personal Status.
  3. The Multimodal Conversation (MPAI-MMC) V2 Technical Specification will generalise the notion of Emotion by adding Cognitive State and Social Attitude and specify a new data type called Standard for Personal Status.

The MPAI work plan also includes exploratory activities, some of which are close to becoming standard or technical report projects:

  1. AI Health (MPAI-AIH). Targets an architecture where smartphones store users’ health data processed using AI and AI Models are updated using Federated Learning.
  2. Connected Autonomous Vehicles (MPAI-CAV). Targets the Human-CAV Interaction Environment Sensing, Autonomous Motion, and Motion Actuation subsystems implemented as AI Workflows.
  3. End-to-End Video Coding (MPAI-EEV). Extends the video coding frontiers using AI-based End-to-End Video coding.
  4. AI-Enhanced Video Coding (MPAI-EVC). Improves existing video coding with AI tools for short-to-medium term applications.
  5. Server-based Predictive Multiplayer Gaming (MPAI-SPG). Uses AI to train neural networks that help an online gaming server to compensate data losses and detects false data.
  6. XR Venues (MPAI-XRV). Identifies common AI Modules used across various XR-enabled and AI-enhanced use cases where venues may be both real and virtual.

It is still a good opportunity for legal entities supporting the MPAI mission and able to contribute to the development of standards for the efficient use of data to join MPAI.

Please visit the MPAI website, contact the MPAI secretariat for specific information, subscribe to the MPAI Newsletter and follow MPAI on social media: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.



MPAI Member Audio Innova awarded the Cannes Neurons 2023 Palm d’Or Award

Cannes, France –  9 February 2023. The Cannes Neurons jury, composed by 12 world-renowned AI experts, has awarded MPAI Member Audio Innova srl  the Cannes Neurons Award 2023 Palm d’Or  for the best creative AI project. Audio archive preservation  based on the MPAI Audio Recording Preservation (ARP) standard is the Audio Innova project coordinated by Sergio Canazza and developed by Nadir Dalla Pozza and Niccolò Pretto. The project was  selected among 6 finalists shortlisted from many other candidates to honour the most innovative and impactful Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects.

The Cannes Neurons Award is the the prestigious prize part of the WAIFC, the world #1 event for AI in business and society which takes place every year in Cannes. To know more, see here.

In the figure: the Audio Innova team with the Palm d’Or in the Salon des Ambassadeurs at the Palais des festivals, Cannes. From left: Cristina Paulon, Sergio Canazza, Alessandro Russo, Michele Patella, Nadir Dalla Pozza (kneeling).


Online presentation: MPAI’s AI-based End-to-End video codec has better compression than traditional codecs

Fifteen months ago, MPAI started an investigation on AI-based End-to-End Video Coding, a new approach to video coding not based on traditional architectures. Recently published results show that Version 0.3 of the MPAI-EEV Reference Model (EEV-0.3) has generally higher performance than the MPEG-HEVC video coding standard when applied to the MPAI set of high-quality drone video sequences.

This is now supersed by the news that the soon-to-be-released EEV-0.4 subjectively outperforms the MPEG-VVC codec using low-delay P configuration. Join the online presentation of MPAI EEV-0.4

At 15 UTC on the 1st of March 2023, Place

You will learn about the model, its performance, and its planned public release both for training and test, and how you can participate in the EEV meetings and contribute to achieving the amazing promises of end-to-end video coding.

The main features of EEV-0.4 are:

  1. A new model that decomposes motion into intrinsic and compensatory motion: the former, originating from the implicit spatiotemporal context hidden in the reference pictures, does not add to the bit budget while the latter, playing a structural refinement and texture enhancement role, requires bits.
  2. Inter prediction is performed in the deep feature space in the form of progressive temporal transition, conditioned on the decomposed motion.
  3. The framework is end-to-end optimized together with the residual coding and restoration modules.

Extensive experimental results on diverse datasets (MPEG test and non-standard sequences) demonstrate that this model outperforms the VTM-15.2 Reference Model in terms of MS-SSIM.

You are invited to attend the MPAI EEV-0.4 presentation. You will learn about the model, its performance, and its planned public release both for training and test, and how you can participate in the EEV meetings and contribute to achieve the amazing promises of end-to-end video coding.

MPAI approves a new Technical Specification and a Technical Report

Geneva, Switzerland – 25 January 2023. Today the international, non-profit, unaffiliated Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence (MPAI) standards developing organisation has concluded its 28th General Assembly (MPAI-28) approving the Neural Network Watermarking (MPAI-NNW) Technical Specification, the MPAI Metaverse Model (MPAI-MMM) Technical Report, and the 2023 program of work on the Metaverse.

MPAI-28 has approved for publication the following two documents:

  1. Neural Network Watermarking (MPAI-NNW). Draft Technical Specification providing methodologies to evaluate the performance of neural network-based watermarking solutions in terms of imperceptibility, robustness, and computational cost. Further information from
YouTube video Non-YouTube video  MPAI-NNW
  1. MPAI Metaverse Model (MPAI-MMM). Draft Technical Report, a document outlining a set of desirable guidelines to accelerate the development of interoperable Metaverses. The online presentation of the draft version of this document is available at
YouTube video Non-YouTube video The MPAI Metaverse Model

MPAI has also approved the 2023 program of work related to the MPAI Metaverse Model:

  1. Functionality Profiles referencing MMM functionalities, not technologies.
  2. Metaverse Instance Architecture with the functions and data types of the building blocks.
  3. Functional requirements of the identified data types.
  4. Table of Contents of the Common Metaverse Specifications.
  5. Initial Common Metaverse Specifications that includes MPAI Technologies.

MPAI is continuing its work plan comprising the following Technical Specifications:

  1. AI Framework (MPAI-AIF). Standard for a secure AIF environment executing AI Workflows (AIW) composed of AI Modules (AIM).
  2. Avatar Representation and Animation (MPAI-ARA). Standard for generation and animation of interoperable avatar models reproducing humans and expressing a Personal Status.
  3. Context-based Audio Enhancement (MPAI-CAE). Standard to describe an audio scene to support human interaction with autonomous vehicles and metaverse applications.
  4. Multimodal Conversation (MPAI-MMC). Standard for Personal Status generalising the notion of Emotion including Cognitive State and Social Attitude.

The MPAI work plan also includes exploratory activities, some of which are close to becoming standard or technical report projects:

  1. AI Health (MPAI-AIH). Targets an architecture where smartphones store users’ health data processed using AI and AI Models are updated using Federated Learning.
  2. Connected Autonomous Vehicles (MPAI-CAV). Targets the Human-CAV Interaction Environment Sensing, Autonomous Motion, and Motion Actuation subsystems implemented as AI Workflows.
  3. End-to-End Video Coding (MPAI-EEV). Extends the video coding frontiers using AI-based End-to-End Video coding.
  4. AI-Enhanced Video Coding (MPAI-EVC). Improves existing video coding with AI tools for short-to-medium term applications.
  5. Server-based Predictive Multiplayer Gaming (MPAI-SPG). Uses AI to train neural networks that help an online gaming server to compensate data losses and detects false data.
  6. XR Venues (MPAI-XRV). Identifies common AI Modules used across various XR-enabled and AI-enhanced use cases where venues may be both real and virtual.

As we enter the year 2023, this is a good time for legal entities supporting the MPAI mission and able to contribute to the development of standards for the efficient use of data to join MPAI.

Please visit the MPAI website, contact the MPAI secretariat for specific information, subscribe to the MPAI Newsletter and follow MPAI on social media: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

MPAI is offering its high-quality drone sequences to the video coding community

Fifteen months ago, MPAI started an investigation on AI-based End-to-End Video Coding, a new approach is not based on traditional video coding architectures. Recently published results from the investigation show that Version 0.3 of the MPAI-EEV Reference Model has generally higher performance than the MPEG-HEVC video coding standard when applied to the MPAI set of high-quality drone video sequences.

MPAI is now offering its Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) sequence dataset for use by the video community in testing compression algorithms. The dataset contains various drone videos captured under different conditions, including environments, flight altitudes, and camera views. These video clips are selected from several categories of real-life objects in different scene object densities and lighting conditions, representing diverse scenarios in our daily life.

Compared to natural videos, UAV-captured videos are generally recorded by drone-mounted cameras in motion and at different viewpoints and altitudes. These features bring several new challenges, such as motion blur, scale changes and complex background. Heavy occlusion, non-rigid deformation and tiny scales of objects might be of great challenge to drone video compression.

Please get an invitation from the MPAI Secretariat and come to one of the biweekly meetings of the MPAI-EEV group (starting from 1st of February 2023). The MPAI-EEV group is going to showcase its superior performance fully neural network-based video codec model for drone videos. The group is inclusive and planning for the future of video coding using end-to-end learning. Please feel free to participate, leaving your comments or suggestions to the MPAI-EEV. We will discuss your contribution and our state of the art with the goal of progressing this exciting area of coding of video sequences from drones.

Table 1 – Drone video test sequences

Source Sequence

Class A VisDrone-SOT TPAM12021

BasketballGround 960×528 100 24 8 Outdoor
GrassLand 1344×752 100 24 8 Outdoor
Intersection 1360×752 100 24 8 Outdoor
NightMall 1920×1072 100 30 8 Outdoor
SoccerGround 1904×1056 100 30 8 Outdoor
Class B
Circle 1360×752 100 24 8 Outdoor
CrossBridge 2720×1520 100 30 8 Outdoor
Highway 1344×752 100 24 8 Outdoor
Class C
Classroom 640×352 100 24 8 Indoor
Elevator 640×352 100 24 8 Indoor
Hall 640×352 100 24 8 Indoor
Class D
Campus 1024×528 100 24 8 Outdoor
RoadByTheSea 1024×528 100 24 8 Outdoor
Theater 1024×528 100 24 8 Outdoor


Join MPAI – Share the fun – Build the future!

A look inside MPAI XR Venues

XR Venues is an MPAI project (MPAI-XRV) addressing use cases enabled by Extended Reality (XR) technologies – the combination of Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR) – and enhanced by Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. The word “venue” is used as a synonym for “real and virtual environments”.

The XRV group has identified some 10 use cases and made a detailed analysis of three of them: eSports Tournament, Live theatrical stage performance, and Experiential retail/shopping.

How did XRV become an MPAI project? MPAI responds to industry needs with a rigorous process that includes 8 phases starting from Interest Collection up to Technical Specification. The initial phase of the process:

  1. Starts with the submission of a proposal triggering the Interest Collection stage where the interest of people other than the proposers is sought.
  2. Continues with the Use Cases stage where applications of the proposal are studied.
  3. Concludes with the Functional Requirements stage where the AI Workflows implementing the developed use cases and their composing AI Modules are identified with their functions and data formats.

Let’s see how things are developing in the XR Venues project (MPAI-XRV) now at the Functional Requirements stage. We will describe the use case of  the eSports Tournament game. This consists of two teams of 3 to 6 players arranged on either side of a real world (RW) stage, each using a computer to compete within a real-time Massively Multiplayer Online game space.

Figure 1 – An eSports Tournament

The game space occurs in a virtual world (VW) populated by:

  1. Players represented by avatars each driven by role (e.g., magicians, warriors, soldier, etc.), properties (e.g., costumes, physical form, physical features), and actions (e.g., casting spells, shooting, flying, jumping).
  2. Avatars representing other players, autonomous characters (e.g., dragon, monsters, various creatures), and environmental structures (e.g., terrain, mountains, bodies of water).

The game action is captured by multiple VW cameras and projected onto a RW immersive screen surrounding spectators and live streamed to remote spectators as a 2D video with all related sounds of the VW game space.

A shoutcaster calls the action as the game proceeds. The RW venue (XR Theatre) includes one or more immersive screens where the image of RW players, player stats or other information or imagery may also be displayed. The same may also be live streamed. The RW venue is augmented with lighting and special effects, music, and costumed performers.

Live stream viewers interact with one another and with commentators through live chats, Q&A sessions, etc. while RW spectators interact through shouting, waving and interactive devices (e.g., LED wands, smartphones). RW spectators’ features are extracted from data captured by camera and microphone or wireless data interface and interpreted.

Actions are generated from RW or remote audience behaviour and VW action data (e.g., spell casting, characters dying, bombs exploding).

At the end of the tournament, an award ceremony featuring the winning players on the RW stage is held with great fanfare.

eSports Tournament is a representative example of the XRV project where human participants are exposed to real and virtual environments that interact with one another. Figure 1 depicts the general model representing how data from a real or virtual environment are captured, processed, and interpreted to generate actions transformed into experiences that are delivered to another real or virtual environment.

Figure 2 – Environment A to Environment B Interactions

Irrespective of whether Environment A is real or virtual, Environment Capture captures signals and/or data from the environment, Feature Extraction extracts descriptors from data, and Feature Interpretation yields interpretations by analysing those descriptors. Action Generation generates actions by analysing interpretations, Experience Generation      translates action into an experience, and Environment Rendering delivers the signals and/or data corresponding to the experience into Environment B whether real or virtual. Of course, the same sequence of steps can occur in the right-to-left direction starting from Environment B.

A thorough analysis of the eSports Tournament use case has led the XRV group to develop the reference model depicted in Figure 3.

Figure 3 – Reference Model of eSports Tournament

The AI Modules on the left-hand side and in the middle of the reference model perform the Description Extraction and Descriptor Interpretation functions identified in Figure 2. The data generated by them are:

  1. Player Status is the ensemble of information internal to the player, expressed by Emotion, Cognitive State, and Attitude estimated from Audio-Video-Controller-App of the individual players.
  2. Participants Status is the ensemble of information, expressed by Emotion, Cognitive State and Attitude of participants, estimated from the collective behaviour of Real World and on-line spectators in response to actions of a team, a player, or the game through audio, video, interactive controllers, and smartphone apps. Both data types are similar to the Personal Status developed in the context of Multimodal Conversation Version 2.
  3. Game State is estimated from Player location and Player Action (both in the VW), Game Score and Clock.
  4. Game Action Status is estimated from Game State, Player History, Team History, and Tournament Level.

The four data streams are variously combined by the three AI Modules on the right-hand side to generate effects in the RW and VW, and to orientate the cameras in the VW. These correspond to the Action Generation, Experience Generation and Experience Rendering of Figure 2.

The definition of interfaces between the AI Modules of 3 will enable the independent development of those AI Modules with standard interfaces. An XR Theatre will be able to host a pre-existing game and produce an eSports Tournament supporting RW and VW audience interactivity. To the extent that the game possesses the required interfaces, the XR Theatre also can drive actions within the VW.

eSports has grown substantially in the last decade. Arena-sized eSport Tournaments with increasing complexity are now routine. An XRV Venue dedicated to eSports enabled by AI can greatly enhanced the participants’ experience with powerful multi-sensory, interactive and highly immersive media, lowering the complexity of the system and the required human resources. Standardised AI Modules for an eSports XRV Venue enhance interoperability across different games and simplify experience design