Date Title DOC
2025/02/19 MPAI releases the MPAI Metaverse Model as Open-Source Software X
2025/01/22 MPAI applies AI to Server-based Predictive Multiplayer Gaming X
2024/12/18 MPAI calls for “Company Performance Prediction” technologies X
2024/11/20 MPAI calls for “Up-sampling Filter for Video applications” technologies X
2024/10/23 MPAI addresses signalling of Machine Learning Model compliance X
2024/09/30 On its fourth anniversary MPAI publishes the first specification supporting metaverse interoperability X
2024/08/21 MPAI publishes a new version of ContextAudio and a new standard for Data Qualifiers X
2024/07/10 MPAI publishes Version 1.1 of the Human and Machine Communication standard X
2024/06/12 MPAI publishes new Standard, Reference Software, and Conformance Testing Specification X
2024/05/15 MPAI publishes a record three Calls for Technologies, four new Standards for Community Comments and one Reference Software Specification X
2024/04/17 MPAI publishes the draft AI Module Profile Standard with a request for Community Comments X
2024/03/20 MPAI releases reference software leveraging AI Framework and Neural Network Watermarking for Generative AI applications X
2024/02/21 MPAI publishes two standards: new version of Context-based Audio Enhancement and the new Human and Machine Communication X
2024/01/24 MPAI publishes 5 documents: 1 draft for community comments, 3 exten-sions, and 1 new standard X
2023/12/20 MPAI publishes Context-based Audio Enhancement and Object and Scene Description for Community Comments X
2023/11/22 MPAI releases new version of Neural Network Watermarking Reference Software; starts new project on XR Venues – Live Theatrical Stage Perfor-mance X
2023/10/25 MPAI start new project on “AI for Health” X
2023/09/29 MPAI celebrates its third anniversary by publishing five standards X
New AI-driven standards pioneer the future of immersive entertainment X
2023/08/23 MPAI issues three Calls for Technologies: and publishes five standards for Community Comments X
2023/07/12 MPAI issues Call for Technologies: Connected Autonomous Vehicle – Architecture X
2023/06/14 MPAI issues MPAI Metaverse Model – Architecture Call for Technologies X
2023/05/17 MPAI announces publication of 3 MPAI standard adopted by IEEE without modification X
2023/04/19 MPAI reaches the 2nd milestone of the Roadmap for Metaverse Interoperability X
2023/03/22 MPAI celebrates 30th month of activity publishing Enhanced Audio V2 and Metaverse Functionalities Profiles for Community Comments X
2023/02/22 MPAI publishes Version 2 Audio Enhancement for Community Comments and the Neural Network Watermarking Reference Software X
2023/01/25 MPAI approves a new Technical Specification and a Technical Report X
2022/12/21 Two MPAI documents published for community comments X
2022/11/23 MPAI calls for new members to support its standard development plans X
2022/10/26 MPAI extends 3 and develops 2 new standards X
2022/09/30 MPAI appoints MPAI Store, incorporated as Company Limited by Guarantee, as the MPAI Store in the MPAI Ecosystem X
2022/08/24 MPAI adds documents and clarification to its currently open three Calls for Technologies X
2022/07/19 MPAI calls for technologies supporting three new standards X
2022/06/22 Functional requirements for 3 new standards published X
2022/05/18 Patent pool being formed for four MPAI standards X
2022/04/20 MPAI publishes Working Draft of Use Cases and Functional Requirements of Multimodal Conversation (MPAI-MMC) Version 2 X
2022/03/23 MPAI issues a Call for Patent Pool Administrator on behalf of the MPAI-CAE and MPAI-MMC patent holders X
2022/02/23 MPAI outlines plans for the MPAI Store Foundation X
2022/01/26 With 5 standards approved, MPAI enters a new phase X
2021/12/22 MPAI springs forward to an intense 2022 X
2021/11/24 MPAI approves AI Framework and calls for comments on Enhanced Audio standards X
2021/10/27 MPAI calls for comments on one more candidate standard X
2021/09/30 MPAI celebrates its first anniversary approving 3 standards for publication X
2021/08/25 MPAI publishes 2 draft standards and 1 document for comments X
2021/07/19 MPAI lays the foundations for a Mixed Reality Collaborative Spaces standard X
2021/06/09 MPAI opens new projects leveraging its unique approach to AI standards X
2021/05/12 MPAI starts development of AI-based company performance prediction standard X
2021/04/14 MPAI consolidates the development of three AI-based data coding standards X
2021/03/17 MPAI tackles AI-based risk analysis standard in a new Call for Technologies X
2021/02/17 MPAI receives technologies for its AI framework standard and calls for technologies supporting audio and human-machine conversation X
2021/01/20 MPAI addresses new standards for Context-based Audio Enhancement and Multimodal Conversation X
2020/12/16 MPAI issues a Call for Technologies supporting its AI Framework standard X
2020/11/18 MPAI commences development of the Framework Licence for the MPAI AI Framework X
2020/10/21 MPAI launches 6 standard projects on audio, genomics, video, AI framework, multiuser online gaming and multimodal conversation X
2020/09/30 A new organisation dedicated to data compression standards based on Artificial Intelligence X
2020/09/09 MPAI launches Context-based Audio Enhancement standard project X